

Featuring AGI Trustee: Jeffrey Aronson

Elected in December 2014 to serve on the AGI Board of Trustees, Jeffrey Aronson co-founded Centerbridge Partners L.P. in 2005 and serves as its Managing Principal. Centerbridge Partners is a …

Business & Economics Program Director Alexander Privitera quoted in Bloomberg Article

AGI Business & Economics Program Director Alexander Privitera is quoted in the foreign policy article “A Family Comparison Jeb Bush May Welcome” published by Bloomberg on May 21, 2015. As …

Macht in der Mitte: Die Neuen Aufgaben Deutschlands in Europa

  In light of key challenges that lie ahead for the European Union (EU) as a political and economic entity, Germany’s role as a central power has become increasingly crucial for the cohesion of the EU. In …

The Tasks Ahead

Listen to any European or American leader talk about the transatlantic relationship these days and you will hear a handful of common refrains. Major policy addresses of this kind often …

Transatlantic Competition Over Institutional Design

In 1996, Martha Finnemore noted in National Interests in International Society that no matter how technical international organizations might seem, they “are never neutral forms.” In his new article, Alexander …

Support AGI through AmazonSmile

Dear friends, We have enjoyed your warm support over the years through donations and gifts. Now we would like to remind you there’s more ways to give. When you shop …

Featuring AGI Trustee: Eugene Ludwig

Eugene Ludwig, the founder and chief executive officer of Promontory Financial Group, is a trusted adviser to many of the world’s leading financial companies. Mr. Ludwig is a business leader …

The BND Scandal

As reports emerge about the cooperation between Germany’s intelligence service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), and the U.S.’ National Security Agency (NSA), the German government is coming under increasing pressure from the …

Low Voter Turnout Does Not Distort Democracy

AGI Non-Resident Fellow Prof. Dr. Karl-Rudolf Korte sits down with to discuss the role of Bremen Mayor Jens Böhrnsen in the low voter turnout and explains why the new …

Restructuring Greece’s Sovereign Debt: It’s Not the Answer, Yet

Greece barely managed to repay a loan installment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this week, only being able to do so by tapping its own buffer reserves at the …

Britain No Longer Has National Parties

There is always a unique drama to an election night in Britain, but the events of Thursday, May 7 surprised even the most hardened of British election watchers (see here …

Escalation of BREXIT Risk Will Jolt European Politics Over Next Two Years

In the run up to last week’s UK election, two things seemed extremely clear: (1) the Conservative Party would not be able to secure a majority; but (2) the Conservative Party …