The 2019 Regional Elections in the East: Small States, Big Impact
On September 1, the eastern German states of Brandenburg and Saxony will elect new state parliaments (Landtage). Both are relatively small states with 2.5 million and 4 million people respectively …
The Future of the Society, Culture & Politics Program
Senior Fellow and Director of the Society, Culture & Politics Program Dr. Eric Langenbacher lays out his vision for the future of the program.
The 2018 Bavarian Election: Earthquake or Tremor?
Bavaria looms large in Germany. With 16 percent of the country’s population (13 million inhabitants), it is the second-largest state by population, and the largest by geographic area. Its economy …
Growing Populism in the U.S. and Germany
Seemingly in all corners of the world right-wing populism is rising. A more chauvinistic renationalization of politics, criticism of free trade regimes and globalization, and a general coarsening of rhetoric …
Values & Preferences of the New Political Generation: Reflections on the Center-Right
Remarking first that the new political generation is narrowing the right-left divide, Eric Langenbacher of Georgetown University provides a detailed analysis of the September 22 German election and places special …