Constance Pary Baban

Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security

Dr. Constance P. Baban is a Senior Research Fellow and Project Leader at the Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security (BIGS) in Potsdam, where she heads the project “RiskViz – Providing a Risk Situation Picture of Industrial IT Security in Germany” funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research. She is also a Non-Resident Fellow in the Foreign and Domestic Policy Program at AGI at Johns Hopkins University. Moreover, she holds the position of Vice Chairman of the Young British Chamber of Commerce in Germany / Berlin-Brandenburg Region, a BCCG membership network of young business executives.

Constance has several years of professional experience in academia and research, the public sector as well as in the field of security affairs, technology and digitization. She holds a PhD (“summa cum laude”) and a Master of Arts (“magna cum laude”) in Applied Linguistics, Political Science, and Media & Communication Science from Leibniz Universität Hannover. Her PhD thesis on Germany’s political security discourse from 2001 to 2009 was published by Springer VS in 2013.

Recent Content


Security Policy in Cyberspace: The Need for a Transatlantic Debate on the Protection of Data and Privacy

Introduction[1] The recently revealed NSA (National Security Agency) surveillance program of the American government, “Prism,”[2] and the criticism it raised not only in the U.S. but also in Germany once …

From Separating to Integrating Foreign and Domestic Security Policy in Germany – Toward a Cultural Turn in Security?

The use of military force in the Federal Republic of Germany has been restricted by the constitution since the nation’s founding. Based on the experience of the political abuse of …

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