The German Apprenticeship Model
Watch these clips from this panel from the AGI Annual Symposium: Unfortunately Unqualified: The State of U.S. Jobs and Skills (4:56) German-American Cooperation on Fostering U.S. Apprenticeship Programs (3:44) Not …
Losing our Classical Skills
The latest international test scores of American students and adults give low marks in reading, problem-solving, and, especially, math. It appears we are still nowhere near our peers in Tokyo, …
Avoiding the “Nuclear Option”
The two major headlines from the past weekend—Democrats use the “nuclear option” by changing the Senate’s filibuster rules, and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry secures a deal temporarily halting …

GroKo: A Coalition for Continuity or Change?
Imagine walking into a hardware store and asking the manager for the most effective fertilizer for a garden or lawn care. “Use GroKo,” he might recommend. “It is an all-purpose …
A New Political Generation and Its Political Parties
Watch these clips from this panel from the AGI Annual Symposium: Top of the Agenda: What Concerns Millennials? (2:44) Will Millennials Breath Life into Transatlantacism? (3:06) A Perfect Generational Storm: …
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AGI provides knowledge, insights, and networks as tools to solve the challenges ahead.
Support Our WorkValues & Preferences of the New Political Generation: Reflections on the Center-Right
Remarking first that the new political generation is narrowing the right-left divide, Eric Langenbacher of Georgetown University provides a detailed analysis of the September 22 German election and places special …
Values & Preferences of the New Political Generation: Reflections on the Center-Left
Arguing that Millennials are politically far different from their parents, Pia Bungarten of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s Washington, DC Office provides her perspective on the recent German elections and, in …
Waiting for Action: Euro Zone Challenges Continue During Long Coalition Negotiations
There is growing unease in Germany and abroad about the lengthy negotiations between the Christian Democrats of Chancellor Angela Merkel and their potential coalition partners, the Social Democrats. Some commentators …
Cyber Security in the New Computing Age: Protection Roles by the Private Sector vs. the Government
Serious cyber-attacks against public and private sector organizations are increasing in frequency and severity. Watch these clips from this panel of the AICGS Annual Symposium for a discussion of cyber security with emphasis on the role of the private sector and the government.
Post-Election Realities: The Domestic and International Consequences
In these video clips from the AGI Annual Symposium on November 12, 2013, panelists discuss how post-election German and American leaders will face monumental political and economic challenges.
Like a Conquered Nation
Former U.S. Ambassador to Germany and AGI Trustee John Kornblum argues that German leadership in Europe is plagued by its impetus to react on the basis of past experiences. This …
The NSA Spies on the German Chancellor’s Cell Phone. What Now?
The popular German legal Beck-Blog recently hosted a lively discussion on whether there are legal ways and means to challenge the alleged spying by the NSA on German Chancellor Angela …