Transplant Rejection
Transferring institutions across borders is a perilous undertaking. Germans should know this better than most. The wholesale transfer from east to west of the Federal Republic’s institutions was a painful …
From the AGI Bookshelf: 1913: The Year Before the Storm, Florian Illes
Amidst the wave of historical works appearing around the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I, one finds repeated reference to the web of accidents, intentions, personalities, and …

Franco-German Relations: A River Runs Through It
While sharing a common border for centuries, France and Germany have always had deep differences going back even to the days before the two countries even existed. Julius Caesar had …
Germany and the Spider-Man Doctrine
Call it the Spider-Man Doctrine: With great power comes great responsibility. Enunciated not by Stan Lee but by Germany’s President Joachim Gauck in a speech at last week’s Munich Security …
A Few Fundamentals of EU Foreign Policy
As Catherine Ashton, the first High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, transitions out of her position, she is enabling her successor to create a comprehensive …
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Support Our WorkThe Revenge of the German Elite
After German leaders presented a battery of speeches at the Munich Security Conference advocating for a more active role in international security, Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations …

From the AGI Bookshelf: The Limits of Partnership
Dr. Angela E. Stent in The Limits of Partnership: U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century (Princeton University Press, 2014) has written an important contribution to our understanding of the U.S.-Russian …
A Family Feud
The annual meeting of the Munich Security Conference (MSC) was an opportunity to look back on a half century of transatlantic relations, but it also was testimony that in one …
The “Culture of Restraint” Is No More
A pretty, elegant blond with sharp features and an even sharper mind could become the face of Germany’s new role in the world. Just weeks ago, she had no idea …
Germans React to a “Year of Action” with Modest Support but Many are Unconvinced
In the days after the annual State of the Union address, Germans have been modestly supportive of U.S. President Barack Obama’s outline for a “Year of Action,” but some commentators …
Aid for the Unemployed? How to Really Make the United States Competitive
“I don’t want the next big job-creating discovery and research and technology to be in Germany or China or Japan. I want it to be right here in the United …
The Evolving Reaction to Electronic Eavesdropping
The spectrum of dramatically differing U.S. and German reactions to the revelation of National Security Agency (NSA) eavesdropping of electronic communications, along with the parallel domestic debates in both countries, …