Ukraine Crisis Threatens to Derail German Ostpolitik
The new government made improving relations with Russia one of its foreign policy priorities. The coalition agreement devoted an entire page to this theme and put it immediately after the …
German Foreign and Defense Policy Handbook
The September 2013 Bundestag election resulted in a third term for Chancellor Angela Merkel, and her second Grand Coalition. On the eve of Chancellor Merkel’s visit to Washington, AGI is …
Status of Foreign Deployments
Germany has about 4,900 military personnel deployed in multinational peace support operations. Mandates for these deployments must be approved by the Bundestag and are usually limited to a period of …
European Integration and the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy
With the election behind her, Chancellor Merkel has been more outspoken in support of further European integration. In the new government’s declaration to the Bundestag on 29 January, she said …
Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
German development policy is an independent area of German foreign policy formulated by the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). However, aid to developing countries is increasingly linked to …
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The recent international agreement in Geneva does very little to resolve the crisis in Ukraine, but it has bought time for all parties involved. The Russians will likely try to …
Russia’s New Challenge to Europe
As it becomes clear that Russia is forging a new geopolitical landscape in Eastern Europe, Europe and the United States have grappled with the question of their response to this …
Why Companies Should Invest in the Caribbean Workforce
Germany’s dual education and apprenticeship system has kept unemployment comparatively low through the financial crisis and helped businesses that invest in Germany to thrive. This can and should be adapted …
Eliminating Greenhouse Gases…One Car at a Time
In response to the increase in car congestion and global warming, many countries have been trying to reduce car usage in various ways. In February 2003, London introduced a toll …

Putin’s Predicament: What is to be done?
Vladimir Putin is tracking another Vladimir—this one with the last name Lenin—who published a pamphlet in 1902 called “What Is to Be Done: Burning Questions of Our Movement.” That Vladimir …
Outgunned and Without Friends
“To be in this government is to commit political suicide,” said Arseniy Yatsenyuk as he became Ukraine’s emergency prime minister seven weeks ago. That was just after Viktor Yanukovych’s riot …
On Morality and Mistakes
It is quite impressive, surrealistic even, that while the Kremlin is amassing 40,000 troops in southwestern Russia, close to the Ukrainian border, and sending unidentified military or paramilitary troops to …