A Strategic Outlook
Report of the International Security Forum 2019 The Forum noted that the global political climate today is marked by a new competitive edge in international politics, the rise of systemic …

Watching Germany III: Recent Films with Contemporary Themes
As the third installment of AGI’s “Watching Germany” series (see television and contemporary films on German history), I am turning to post-reunification films with contemporary themes. There is a multitude …

Must Germany Take on More Global Political Responsibility in the Corona Crisis?
History shows that it is always outstanding personalities who shape events. For better or worse, they influence the dynamics and direction of events. This is also true now in view …

Watching Germany II: Contemporary Films on German History
Here in Washington, DC, we are into week six of the pandemic shutdown. Universities and public schools will not reopen until the next school year. Regular businesses might only (partially) …
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Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic with Innovative Democratic Surveillance
Governments around the world are increasingly embracing the idea of digital contact tracing to detect infections and facilitate quarantine in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially skeptical of …

After the Coronavirus: A More Digital and Greener Transatlantic Economy?
As Austria, where the coronavirus curve appears to be flattening, and other parts of the European Union cautiously reopen for business, it may not be premature to draw some initial …

Watching Germany during the Pandemic
As most of us sit, shut-in at home, in the midst of a (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, there are many off hours and nowhere to go. Everyone seems to be watching …

Peter Rashish on U.S.-EU relations with China after COVID-19
AGI Senior Fellow Peter Rashish discusses U.S.-EU relations with China after COVID-19 with ScienceBusiness. He says the pandemic will likely prompt a “rethink” about how the world does business with …

Stumbling US diplomacy flattens Washington’s influence curve
American diplomacy has faced a challenge from the start of President Trump’s administration — how to make his “America First” pledge an operational reality in a world that was oriented for …

Quo Vadis CDU: Left, Middle, or Right?
When Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (AKK,) the CDU party leader and presumed successor to Angela Merkel as chancellor, announced her resignation from her role as CDU party chairwoman on February 8, 2020, speculation about …