AGI and Microsoft launch cybersecurity roundtable on public-private partnerships
On the same day that President Trump and Chancellor Merkel met in Washington to discuss priorities for the transatlantic agenda, the American-German Institute hosted a roundtable at Microsoft Berlin to …

The Risks of American Protectionism for Europe
The decision by U.S. president Donald Trump to impose steel and aluminum tariffs poses great risks for Europe and the global trade system. The temporary exemption for European countries until …

Andrea Rotter, AGSR Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Andrea Rotter as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in May and June 2018. In Germany, Ms. Rotter is a researcher …
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Trump: No Iran Nukes Even if Agreement Folds
Standing alongside Germany’s chancellor, U.S. President Donald Trump emphasized on Friday that Iran would not be permitted to build a nuclear arsenal, even if a deal intended to prevent that …
“Trump hat Merkel von Anfang an als Rivalin wahrgenommen”
Featuring Jackson Janes via t-online on April 25, 2018.

Merkel’s Return Engagement: An Ambitious Agenda, Too Little Time
When Angela Merkel visits Donald Trump on April 27, the meeting of two vastly different personalities may again be awkward, but it may also yield some reminders of just how …

Merkel can make her second Trump visit a success
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who meets with Donald Trump next Friday, hopes to improve on their inaugural tête-à-tête in March 2017 when the U.S. president appeared to withhold shaking her hand during an Oval Office …

Discussing Transatlantic Partnership at the American-German Situation Room
As a fellow in the American-German Situation Room, I sought to learn as much as possible about the approach and direction of the Trump administration. In discussions with various experts, …