Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things
We are currently facing an accelerated digital transformation. More and more critical transactions are processed online, and a tremendous amount of core data is available in digital form. Accordingly, trust …

Maria Skora, AGSR Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Maria Skora as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in February 2019. Maria Skora is Senior Project Manager at Das …
Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman to Retire from AGI
The American-German Institute (AGI) at Johns Hopkins University announces that Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman will be retiring at the end of February 2019. Dr. Gardner Feldman has served as Director …
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Transatlantic Responses to a Global China
For seventeen years since China’s accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001, Beijing has shaped its industrial policy to benefit from the international free trade regime, sustaining extraordinary economic …
Judy Asks: Is NATO Deterrence a Paper Tiger?
Far from it. Deterrence rests on risk calculation and doubt. The costs of challenging the deterrent have to be just high enough to discourage risk taking. While Putin was surprised …
US expected to announce US suspension of landmark INF arms control treaty
On the U.S. suspension of the INF Treaty, AGI President Jeff Rathke told CNN that Europe is “worried about US withdrawal in particular because it takes the pressure off of …

Does Germany Need a Plan B?
Thomas Bagger is one of the most thoughtful diplomats of his generation. Currently the Director of Foreign Policy in the Office of the Federal President, he has previously served as …
Jeff Rathke on Voice of America’s “Encounter”
Jeff Rathke, AGI President, and Thomas Wright, Director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution, join host Carol Castiel on VOA’s “Encounter” program to …
Can the EU thrive in an era of power-based trade?
The European Union is not only a major stakeholder of the economic arm of the liberal international order. It is also one of its key building blocks. While the United …

A Doctor’s Mission: The Life and Work of Ernst Kisch
Read the stories of other Shanghai Jews Dr. Ernst Kisch was an opera-loving Viennese physician who was imprisoned in Dachau and Buchenwald for being Jewish. Upon his release from Buchenwald, …