Elizabeth Caruth’s Archive


Jeff Rathke on the U.S. Presidential Elections and Transatlantic Relations

Ahead of the New Hampshire primary, AGI President Jeff Rathke spoke to Südwest Presse (in German) about what motivates the U.S. electorate, the likelihood of a Trump/Biden rematch, and what …

Franz Beckenbauer (1945-2024)

Germany’s Last “Kaiser” and His Legacies Franz Beckenbauer was Germany’s most important soccer personality—as a player, coach, soccer executive, and public figure. However, Beckenbauer stood for more than just soccer. …

AGI Partners with Transatlantic Organizations for “Road to Election” Series

The 2024 U.S. election will significantly shape the transatlantic political environment and policy landscape. The results of this monumental election will have serious implications for the future of not only …

Farewell to Wolfgang Schäuble

The Chancellor-behind-the-Scenes Imagine a mountain climber who scaled every peak in the Himalayas except Everest. That was Wolfgang Schäuble. No postwar politician reached more top party and government posts. Although …

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine. Economic Challenges, Embargo Issues and a New Global Economic Order

Review of Paul J.J. Welfens’ Book The Russian invasion of Ukraine followed by—at the time of writing this review—21 months of a fierce and, from the Russian side, inhumanly-led war …

Remembering Pulse

The Power of Community-Driven Collective Memory Natalie Adams-Menendez: Reflection Days before I turned seventeen, I awoke to news that 49 people had been killed and at least 53 others had …

Trending Now: Queerphobia

Decoding the Role of Trans- and Homophobic Narratives for Right-wing Online Mobilization in the United States and Germany When a group of prominent politicians from the German CSU party convened …

A Snapshot of LGBTQ+ Experiences and Communities in Florida

Orlando, Miami, and Ft. Lauderdale In November 2023, under the auspices of AGI, seven Americans and seven Germans met in Florida to explore the past, present, and future of LGBTQ+ …

The United States and Europe must recalibrate their security partnership

In a new op-ed for Defense News, AGI President Jeff Rathke and AGI/Halle Foundation Intern Theresa Lütkefend argue that the United States and its transatlantic partners should move beyond the …

China Is Listening

But It Won’t Be Business as Usual When European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and President of the European Council Charles Michel departed China after last week’s EU-China Summit, …

Back to Reason!

The Constitutional Court’s decision is an opportunity for a far-reaching political change. The Traffic Light Coalition should seize it. This article originally appeared in German in WirtschaftsWoche on November 25, …

The Pressure on Feminist Foreign Policy

About ten years ago, Sweden became the first country to officially commit to a so-called feminist foreign policy. Although Sweden’s center-right government, which took office in 2022, has abandoned the …