Globalization: As Bad as Its Reputation?
There are rough times ahead for the ideas of free trade and globalization. U.S. president Donald Trump (who seems to prefer less rather than more economic openness), the Brexit vote, …
A Reset with China? Our Anxiety and Germany’s Responsibility
When the news about Donald Trump’s election victory broke, I was in Shanghai for a conference on Sino-German relations. The conference agenda was at once scrapped to make way for …
A New Geoeconomics Focus for 2017:Peter S. Rashish joins AGI as Senior Fellow and Project Director
As Germany assumes the Presidency of the G20 largest world economies, a new U.S. president takes office, and uncertainties surround the future of the global economic order, the American-German Institute …
In Trade Policy, the Best Defense Remains a Good Offense
The hometown Washington Redskins may have just missed making it to the playoffs of the National Football League championships this season. But they showed once again how important a strong …
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Support Our WorkThe Road to China: Challenges, Opportunities, and Partnership for the Next U.S. President
As the 2016 U.S. presidential election edges closer, China sits prominently on the short list of America’s biggest problems for millions of voters heading to the polls. Both the Democratic …
The Presidential Campaign and The Future of U.S. Trade Policy: Implications for Transatlantic Relations
The 2016 presidential contest in the United States has been characterized by a particularly heated debate about the role that trade policy should play in promoting US prosperity and national …
What’s Going on in Europe — A view from the Deutsche Bundesbank
A Speech by Dr. Andreas Dombret, Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank In a recent speech delivered at the World Affairs Council and American Council on Germany …
Brexit Clouds TTIP Negotiations But May Not Scupper Deal
With Britain’s decision to leave the EU, the clouds of uncertainty hanging over the proposed US-EU free trade deal (known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership or TTIP) have …