Henry Kissinger, America and Germany
More than fifty years after he arrived on the world scene as Richard Nixon’s National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger remained an imposing figure on both sides of the Atlantic. Despite …

Germany’s Role in the World
This article was originally published in German in CIVIS, August 2023. The question of Germany’s role in the world is as old as the Federal Republic. In the beginning, it …

What Follows from Germany’s National Security Strategy?
Strategic Foreign Policy Toward Russia, China, and Transatlantic Relations Russia’s war against Ukraine highlighted the epochal turning point in German foreign policy, which Olaf Scholz called a Zeitenwende. Germany has …

Episode 81: Sustaining Germany’s Support for Ukraine—A Conversation with Dr. Norbert Röttgen
On this episode of the Zeitgeist, AGI President Jeff Rathke speaks with Dr. Norbert Röttgen, member of the German Bundestag (CDU) and Vice Chairman of the Atlantik-Brücke, about Germany’s efforts …

Self-Assurance—To What End?
Many commentators have concluded that this year’s Munich Security Conference was mostly about the West’s self-assurance. The gathering’s motto (Re:vision) points in a similar direction insomuch as the authors of …
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The Grand Failure
Grand New Beginning? February 24, 2022, will go down in history as a watershed moment for Europe and not the least for Germany. The day Russia invaded Ukraine spelled the …

Despite Challenges, the U.S. And EU Can Save the Rules-Based Economic Order and Redefine Globalization
First there was a trickle. After years of sounding the alarm about China’s use of forced labor, economic coercion, and unfair trade practices, the U.S. government has made steady but …

Angela Merkel’s Russia Legacy
A Tightrope Walker Reaches the End of the Rope Former Chancellor Angela Merkel made her first public appearance since leaving the Chancellery recently with an extended interview in the famed …

Led From Behind
Understanding Germany’s Changing Russia Policy Since late 2021, with an ever more apparent threat of Russia invading Ukraine, NATO states increasingly sent military aid to Ukraine and signaled to Moscow …

Germany’s China and Russia Policy in the Election and Beyond
The new German government will have to revise and reshape the legacy of the Merkel era on Russia and China policies. It will have to balance the economic interests of …

The EU’s Old School Approach to Russian Oil
Over the last two years, the European Union has innovated in a remarkable fashion to strengthen both its internal and external roles as an economic actor. As the EU struggles …

The Potential Role of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council in a Rapidly Changing Global Economic Order
In an important speech on April 13, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that “…the war between Russia and Ukraine has redrawn the contours of the world economic outlook.” Amid …

Unforeseen Challenge for Germany’s G7 Presidency: Time for a Comprehensive Perspective
The Problem of Thinking in Silos In January 2022, the German government published its policy priorities for the G7-Presidency of this year. They are sensible and well placed. In fact, …

German Turning Points
Past and Present When Chancellor Olaf Scholz took office three months ago, few expected that he would dramatically change the coordinates of German foreign and defense policy. But on February …