Politics & Elections


Repercussions of Brexit Probably Won’t Occur in Time to Dissuade Other Anti-EU Voters

2016 has seen significant upheaval and sets the stage for an even bumpier 2017. Leading up to national elections in several major European economies—Germany, France, the Netherlands, and potentially Italy—voters …

The Power of the Young?

Populist parties and governments have gained in popularity in many countries across the world in recent months. Their success is in part based on citizens’ fear of globalization, immigrants, loss …

8 Reasons Why Russian Disinformation is Successful in Germany

America and the rest of the world are still struggling to understand what led to the outcome of the U.S. presidential election of 2016. It is almost dangerous—and at the …

The Long-Term Impact of the U.S. Elections on the German-American Relationship

The U.S. election is over, but with regard to the future of German-American cooperation, it has provided more questions than answers. German policymakers, like their counterparts around the world, are …

A Hinge Moment for Transatlantic Relations

After the events of 2016, the future of the transatlantic relationship at times seems tenuous, fraught with national interests and publics that seem tired of looking beyond one’s own borders. …

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With Trump, the U.S. Foreign Policy Framework is at Risk

Now that president-elect Donald Trump has selected his national security team, what course will he set? In a recent interview Henry Kissinger, the US secretary of state in the 1970s, …

Keeping Tally on Elections across the Atlantic

The 2016 U.S. presidential election created shock waves around the world, but it was not the first unexpected outcome in 2016, and would not be the last. The results of …

Populist Political Wave in the UK and in the U.S.: On Brexit and Trump’s Economic Policy

2016 As a Special Year for the UK and the U.S. The UK experienced a rather surprising victory by the supporters of Brexit—i.e., those in favor of the UK leaving …

All is Not Lost: How a Trump Presidency May Fall Short of European Fears

President-elect Donald Trump remains over a month away from being sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, but concerns over his potential European agenda have already taken …

The Fear of Misperception: The Interdependency of Social Media and Elections

When President Barack Obama met with Chancellor Angela Merkel on November 17, 2016, the two leaders cautioned against the fake news appearing on social media platforms and the disruptions it …

Germany is One of America’s Most Important European Allies, the Next President Must Understand Why

The transatlantic community is understandably concerned about the shocking election of Donald J. Trump as the next U.S. president. It is an outcome that no one saw coming—not even experts …

The Rise of Populism in the U.S. and in Germany

A significant segment of the U.S. remains in shock over the results of its presidential election. Donald Trump is now the president-elect. Among politicians, media pundits, academics, pollsters, and private …