Politics & Elections


Populism: Signals and Noises

Yogi Berra once said that it’s very difficult to predict anything—especially the future. But when you are trying to face that task the biggest challenge is to ask the right …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Far-Right Politics in Europe

Coming to grips with the proliferation of populist movements in Europe is not a new preoccupation. Right-wing and left-wing protest parties have long been part of the political landscape. Until …

Danger from Within: Today’s Threats to the Transatlantic Relationship

There is no doubt that the transatlantic relationship is facing one of its most difficult tests since the days of the Marshall Plan. For most of this time, the most …

The Battle for the Bundestag Begins Now 

After a state election in Germany, the Social Democrats (SPD) lost—again; the Christian Democrats (CDU) won—again; and a strong showing by the liberal FDP has created a chance to rebuild …

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The French Presidential Elections and Europe

From the perspective of European Integration, the French presidential election is a reload of Sergio Leone’s 1960s blockbuster movie “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” In the runoff, Emmanuel …

The Rise of Populist Movements in the United States and Europe: Joint Challenge, Joint Answers Needed

The largest political challenge facing Europe and the United States at the moment is also the largest challenge currently facing the transatlantic relationship. Populist movements put the very core of …

Clear Horizons, or Choppy Waters? Navigating to September 24

“Clear horizon, strong heart,” or, as they say in Schleswig-Holstein, “Klaar Kimming, Rüm Haart.” The slogan frequently seen on flags flying over the North Sea islands might as well be flying …

Pragmatic France Elects a Reformer

There is an old story about the serious French thinker who, when presented with a common-sense solution to a problem, will find fault by retorting that the idea “works in …

Germany’s Priority Is Keeping the European Union Together: This Is Fundamentally in the U.S.’ Interest

In a widely-read interview with the German daily tabloid Bild just days before his inauguration, Donald Trump called the British decision to leave the EU “smart,” and predicted that other …

100 Days of Donald Trump: This Man Has a Very Unique Style

In an interview with Deutschlandfunk Kultur‘s Ute Welty, AGI President Jack Janes weighs in on Trump’s first 100 days and what it suggests for transatlantic relations going forward. Listen to the …

Tomorrow’s Europe: A Never Closer Union

Europe is beset with multiple, intersecting challenges and crises, among them unwelcome inward migration, suffocating indebtedness in the southern tier, rising populist nationalism evident from Britain and France to Hungary …

Brexit Day

March 29, 2017 marks an historic day for Europe: The British government has handed over the official letter for exiting the European Union to EU president Donald Tusk. This move, …