
The Struggle to Define a Leadership Agenda

Perhaps it was intentional for the White House to have Susan Rice present a new National Security Strategy in Washington on February 6—the first day of the world’s largest and …

Germany’s Moment

The Munich Security Conference this year found a German leadership comfortable with its new role in the world, but not without its critics. In the year since President Gauck announced …

One Year After: How the Media and Think Tanks Processed the Speech of Federal President Gauck

This essay is based on a detailed analysis on how media and think tanks responded to Joachim Gauck’s speech at the 2014 Munich Security Conference. The study is available in …

Forging the Agenda of Transatlantic Relations in 2015

In advance of the upcoming Munich Security Conference, AICGS President Dr. Jackson Janes explores the challenges confronting transatlantic relations now and in the coming decade.

Détente without Illusions

The debate in Germany about policy toward Russia is generating a critical mass of competing perspectives and prescriptions. It may be one of the more important foreign-policy arguments at a …

Building the Transatlantic Relationship

This speech was delivered as the Columbus Day Lecture 2014 at the Center for International Security and Governance, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, where Ambassador James D. Bindenagel is the Henry Kissinger …

NATO/EU Cooperation with Russia on Military Airlift

Germany and its NATO and EU partners continue to rely on Russian heavy airlift to support their expeditionary military and humanitarian relief operations in Afghanistan, the Middle East, and Africa, …

Eurasian Heartland or Atlantic Civilization: The Ukrainian War of Cultures

The Road to the Present Why was the West surprised about the escalation in Ukraine? What went wrong on our side? And what conclusions do we need to draw from …

Privacy and Power

The Germans are angry. They have been simmering since Edward Snowden’s disclosures last summer revealed the startling extent of American intelligence-gathering and data-collection activities in Europe. Now they are boiling-over. …

The Future Role of NATO: Reinventing the Alliance?

The discussion of the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the current international system is as old as the end of the Cold War–by now nearly 25 …

Merkel’s Moment

When French President François Hollande visited Washington two months ago, he declared “trust is restored,” regarding the vast NSA surveillance programs in Europe. In her upcoming visit in May, Angela …

Merkel in Washington: A Reset Rendezvous

During her 2011 visit to Washington, DC, President Obama hosted Chancellor Merkel at a festive White House state dinner and conferred on her the highest award he could offer—the Medal …