Health & Social Policy


The German Corona Summit Strategy Has Failed

The Germans are known for their word creations: Maskenverweigerer (anti-masker), Impfmuffel (anti-vaxxer), Coronaleugner (denying that the virus is a health risk), and the English/German tongue-twister Wellenbrecherlockdown (breaking a Corona wave …

Choose to Challenge

Are we heading towards a “new normal”? While the country has been successfully run by the most powerful woman in the world for almost sixteen years, Germany has never been …

Tackling the Coronavirus in Germany

First and Second Wave Compared Germany has been internationally praised for its management of the first pandemic wave of Covid-19. This may make the current development in Germany with much higher …

What the U.S. Can Learn from Germany’s Fate in the Covid-19 Crisis

For decades, many in Germany have envied the United States as a modern, efficiently governed democracy with a more flexible and more innovative economy than at home. This image has …

Corona-Warn-App and Germany’s Efforts to Tame COVID-19

Germany has been lauded as one of the world’s leading countries with regard to the tackling of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first wave of this crisis, Germany managed to …

In Times of China’s Claim to Power: Transatlantic Partnership at a Crossroads

Reactions and strategies to fight the coronavirus crisis have varied around the globe. While the world is still trying to manage life with the virus, the pandemic could also mark …

COVID-19: Challenge and Chance for Germany. How to Overcome Renationalization and Distrust

The Pandemic Hits the World In a Time of Renationalization and Distrust The global corona pandemic has hit the world economy severely; lockdowns in almost all countries have interrupted and …

Germany’s Role in Global Health

The focus for German Global Health activities presently is threefold: as a strong supporter of multilateral responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in a wide range of UN and other political …

Telehealth Is Here to Stay—In the United States and in Germany

Before COVID-19, telehealth (a patient seeing and talking to a doctor or other health care provider over the Internet) has long been viewed as an ancillary mode of medical treatment …

Corona and Public Health Policy in Germany

“It’s COVID-19, stupid!” In Germany, we saw a quick turnaround in responses to the spread of the virus. As the German population has learned about the importance of prevention policies, …

Why Have Women World Leaders Performed So Well During the COVID-19 Crisis?

In 2019, UN Women reported that a mere 5 percent of heads of government around the world were female.[1] These handful of women, including German chancellor Angela Merkel, have dominated …

COVID-19 and Trade: Not the End of Globalization but Changes in Value Chains to be Expected

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is massive. In Germany and Europe, but also worldwide, a large number of companies had to shut down production. Most shops and cultural …