Global Economic Order


China: A Challenge for the Western Economic and Political System

In recent years, China has developed into an important driver of the global economy with strong economic growth. As the second largest economy in the world, China is now responsible …

The German Industry Strategy 2030: Inconsistent and Dangerous!

In March, the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Peter Altmaier, presented the so-called National Industry Strategy 2030: Strategic guidelines for a German and European industrial policy (henceforth …

Is “Economic Security” a Thing?

Late last week Russia won a case against Ukraine in the World Trade Organization that centered on whether Moscow had the right to invoke national security to limit Ukrainian rail transit through …

The Crisis in World Trade

A new report from the T20, the think tank arm of the G20, co-authored by AGI Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish, is newly available on the T20 website. About the publication: …

The United States, Germany, and WTO Reform: An Answer to the Rise of China?

Contrary to expectations when China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, the Beijing government has not steered a path for the country toward greater market openness. On the domestic …

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US–EU Trade Relations in the Trump Era: Which Way Forward?

A research paper released by Chatham House recommends a framework for strengthening US-EU trade relations and achieving successful trade talks in the current era of protectionism. US-EU Trade Relations in …

Can the U.S. and Allies Agree on WTO Reform?

AGI Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish spoke on a panel on “Can the U.S. and Allies Agree on WTO Reform?” at the Hudson Institute on March 13, 2019. About the panel At …

Strategies for the European Union in the Third Age of Globalization with Michael Hüther

Event Summary Michael Hüther, the director of the German Economic Institute and one of Germany’s most influential economic thinkers, spoke at a March 5 breakfast event with AGI about his …

Stop Talking about Saving the Transatlantic Relationship and Bretton Woods Order

Elite-minded liberals on both sides of the Atlantic—myself included—have often made the mistake of wondering “how to save the transatlantic, Bretton Woods order?” For all its good intentions, this is …

Transatlantic Responses to a Global China

For seventeen years since China’s accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001, Beijing has shaped its industrial policy to benefit from the international free trade regime, sustaining extraordinary economic …

Can the EU thrive in an era of power-based trade?

The European Union is not only a major stakeholder of the economic arm of the liberal international order. It is also one of its key building blocks. While the United …

A Decade After Its Inception, The G20 Engine is at Risk of Stalling

After ten years of G20 meetings, development on crucial points on the agenda was stagnant. This concerns particularly three policy areas that Germany had made a priority during its G20 …