Angela Merkel’s Russia Legacy
A Tightrope Walker Reaches the End of the Rope Former Chancellor Angela Merkel made her first public appearance since leaving the Chancellery recently with an extended interview in the famed …

The Transatlantic Balance We Love to Hate
European discovery and settlement of the New World is one of the great sagas of human history. The two continents of the Western Hemisphere were torn from their traditional existence …

German Turning Points
Past and Present When Chancellor Olaf Scholz took office three months ago, few expected that he would dramatically change the coordinates of German foreign and defense policy. But on February …

Olaf Scholz in Washington: AGI Expert Analysis in the Media
On February 7, 2022, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made an official visit to Washington, DC. It was his first since succeeding Angela Merkel in December 2021. Multiple major media outlets …

Germany’s Opportunity
Well before Chancellor Scholz was on his way to Washington to meet President Biden on February 7, he knew there would be a lot of uncomfortable questions confronting him. Germany …
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AGI provides knowledge, insights, and networks as tools to solve the challenges ahead.
Support Our WorkKai Oppermann, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Dr. Kai Oppermann as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2021. Kai Oppermann is Professor of International Politics at the Chemnitz University of …

Why Americans Should Care About the 2021 German Elections
In about two weeks, 60.4 million Germans will head to the polls to elect the new Bundestag and to determine the incoming chancellor. After sixteen years, Angela Merkel will see …

Peter Rashish Interviewed on Chancellor Merkel’s Washington, DC, Visit
Ahead of the meeting between the U.S. and German leaders, Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish spoke with the Italian news site Formiche.net. In the interview, “Biden’s Bet on Merkel and …

AGI President Jeff Rathke Joins CNAS Podcast “Brussels Sprouts”
President of AGI Jeff Rathke was recently a guest on the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) podcast, “Brussels Sprouts.” Along with Andrea Kendall-Taylor, Jim Townsend, and Cathryn Clüver, …

AGI Experts Preview Merkel’s Visit to Washington
Securing a Transatlantic Legacy Jeff Rathke, President Chancellor Merkel makes her last official visit to Washington just weeks before the September 26 Bundestag election will punctuate her path-breaking career as …

Berlin and Washington Revive Their Defense Partnership
Will Germany’s Next Government Address its Defense Spending Dilemma? German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer visited Washington on June 30, developing Germany’s emerging role as one of the Biden administration’s most …

The Future of Transatlantic Security
Bolstering the Transatlantic Partnership: What do we expect from each other? The American-German Institute (AGI) in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Defence hosted a workshop on “The Future of …