The Trust Trifecta
Engraved on the U.S. dollar bill are the words “in God we trust.” The sarcastic extension of that phrase says “all others pay cash.” It seems that forces rampant in …
NATO Enlargement Policy
In this recently published report from the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung, Dr. Patrick Keller, Coordinator for Foreign and Security Policy at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and AGI participant, explores the debates surrounding …
Croatia on the Verge of Joining the European Union: Outlook after the release of the latest EU monitoring report
On March 26th, the European Commission released its last monitoring report on Croatia, which concludes that the country is ready to join the EU in July 2013. This will, in …
Mission Impossible? David Cameron’s Vision of Britain in the European Union
Simon Green is Professor of Politics and Co-Director of the Aston Centre for Europe at Aston University in the UK. This article first appeared on on 23 January 2013 …

The Franco-German Elysée Treaty at Fifty: A Model for Others?
The fiftieth anniversary of the 1963 Elysée Treaty provides occasion for reflection on the larger meaning of this landmark for Franco-German relations, but also raises the question of whether its …
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Support Our WorkPlotting Parameters of Partnership: Turkey, Germany and Europe.
The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan opened a new Embassy in Berlin this week and used that platform to assert not only Germany’s importance for Turkey, but also to …
A Commemoration for Helmut Kohl
October 1 marks the 30th anniversary of Helmut Kohl’s 16 year tenure as Chancellor of Germany. The first half of that tenure saw Kohl as Chancellor of a divided Germany. …
ISNA Annual Conference: One Nation Under God: Striving for the Common Good
As part of the Institute’s effort to spark a dialogue among the American and German Muslim communities, AGI was pleased to sponsor a German participant at the Islamic Society of …
More Europe
Angela Merkel wants more Europe. Despite the widespread skepticism among Germans about many of their European partners and their ability to measure up to German standards of fiscal responsibility, the …
Of Cakes and Their Consumption – Reflections on the UK’s Position within the EU
UK Prime Minister David Cameron may be in for a not so warm welcome in his visit to Berlin this week. According to his essay “Of Cakes and their Consumption – Reflections on the UK’s Position within the EU,” Dr. Simon Green, Professor of Politics at Aston University, UK, and a frequent contributor to the AICGS Advisor, argues that EU member states are becoming increasingly frustrated with the UK’s approach toward the Union. What is said this weekend between Prime Minister Cameron and Chancellor Merkel could signal whether the UK is already being pushed to the periphery of the EU.
Leadership and Democracy
As the political mindset in Europe begins to change – both among the newly appointed Greek and Italian Prime minsters, or among the incumbent Merkel and Sarkozy – the questioning of each leader’s commitment to Europe will only increase. According to his essay Leadership and Democracy, Alexander Privitera, Washington based Special Correspondent for the German news channel N24 and frequent AICGS contributor, explains that all European leaders are approaching the point at which they will have to make very unpopular decisions. In particular, Angela Merkel could be tested very soon.