Digital Policy


Keep Neutral and Carry On: The European Union’s Continuing Search for a China Policy

The June 22 EU-China Summit ended without a joint statement. Although both sides stressed the importance of cooperation, the EU is clearly dissatisfied with the state of bilateral relations. The …

Enduring Partnership

Recommendations to the Next U.S. Administration for the German-American Relationship The United States and Germany have forged a unique partnership in the seventy-five years since the end of World War II, …

Telehealth Is Here to Stay—In the United States and in Germany

Before COVID-19, telehealth (a patient seeing and talking to a doctor or other health care provider over the Internet) has long been viewed as an ancillary mode of medical treatment …

O-RAN, 3GPP, and R&D Fund: The U.S. May Finally Have a Winning Strategy for the 5G Competition

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the United States’ confrontation with China and has driven administration officials and members of Congress to find more effective ways to strengthen American advantage in …

A Strategic Outlook

Report of the International Security Forum 2019 The Forum noted that the global political climate today is marked by a new competitive edge in international politics, the rise of systemic …

Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic with Innovative Democratic Surveillance

Governments around the world are increasingly embracing the idea of digital contact tracing to detect infections and facilitate quarantine in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially skeptical of …

After the Coronavirus: A More Digital and Greener Transatlantic Economy?

As Austria, where the coronavirus curve appears to be flattening, and other parts of the European Union cautiously reopen for business, it may not be premature to draw some initial …

The State of Europe-China Relations

AGI Fellow Yixiang Xu recently joined The Europe Desk podcast, where he spoke about Chinese responses to the coronavirus pandemic, data, 5G, transatlantic trade, and U.S. and European approaches to China …

Fighting the COVID-19 Pandemic with Big Data: Why Germany Should Learn from China’s Digital Experiments

Germany is battling a growing corona virus epidemic that originated in China last year and has since spread rapidly around the world. Although Italy remains the epicenter of the outbreak …

Corona Virus: Whatever Happens, the Crisis Has an Impact on Data Protection Rights

How will data protection rights fare in times of a crisis? What happens with the gathered information once the crisis is over? The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) contains …

The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown of EU “Technological Sovereignty”

Shortly before taking the helm of the European Commission in November 2019,  Ursula von der Leyen announced that under her presidency the institution would carry a “geopolitical” brand. By integrating …

A Transatlantic China Policy Can Succeed Where the U.S. and Europe Would Fail Separately

China dominates American foreign policy discourse, driven by a broad bipartisan consensus that the United States has for too long turned a blind eye to China’s growing influence and global …