Defense Policy


Where Does Cyber Defense Stop and Offense Begin?

It is a well-known platitude that the Internet transcends national boundaries, just as it does domestic and foreign policy. However, when countless information technology (IT) networks are bound together in …

Critical Infrastructure Security, Resilience, and the Internet of Systems – A U.S. Perspective

Pervasive and still-growing global connectivity continues to shape and change our world, our economies, our societies, and many elements of human behavior. Along with devices and their software and applications, …

Regulation in the Cybersphere: International and National Debates

A new hack on the German Bundestag at the beginning of 2018 caused a sensation and again brought the explosive nature of cybersecurity policy challenges to the forefront of the …

Confidence Building in an Era of Distrust: Baby Steps Toward a Stronger Cyber Defense

In the era of distrust that has followed the Snowden revelations, changing administrations, and a transatlantic relationship that is publicly unraveling, “confidence building measures” (CBMs) is a loaded term. In …

Countering Threats Together in the Cybersphere

When the Internet was created, engineers, users, and even political decision-makers were full of idealism. Yet such benign uses of information and communication technology (ICT) are not the whole story. …

The Future of War?

Just as people expect government to defend the physical world, they also expect government to protect the cyber realm. Governments must have the means to hold criminals and non-state and …

War in the Cybersphere – The Polyvariant Threat Needs International Cooperation!

We live in highly complex times, in which the threats to our countries are more diffuse than ever before. Power blocs have given way to new, asymmetrical power relations of …

Reinstating Conscription: Wrong Issue, Wrong Time

Nearly a decade after Germany suspended military conscription, the topic has found its way back into the German political debate. In a surprise move, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the general secretary of …

The West’s Greatest Challenge Lies in Washington, Not Moscow

It has been a month now since Donald Trump’s indulgence in Helsinki of Vladimir Putin’s “extremely strong” denial of Russian involvement in hacking the 2016 U.S. election. With this move, …

Germany and Russia:  A Reset?

Angela Merkel’s meeting with Vladimir Putin this past weekend in Meseberg is a sign of the beginning of a reset in the German relationship with Russia.  Putin arrived after having …

The Transatlantic Security Landscape in Europe

The Oxford Handbook of U.S. National Security Edited by Derek S. Reveron, Nikolas K. Gvosdev, and John A. Cloud The geopolitical and strategic landscape in Europe has transformed fundamentally under …

A New Era of Transatlantic Cooperation in Space? How the New Space Economy Is Shaping the State of Affairs and What Could Be Done

The space sector is undergoing profound changes. When people thought about space exploration just a decade ago, they thought about large government or international agencies such as the National Aeronautics …