Yearning for Familiar Wine In Well-Known Bottles
Parsing the leitmotif of this year’s Munich Security Conference (MSC)—Westlessness—is worth the effort as it does not merely equal semantic pondering. The term invented by the organizers of the MSC …

The Future of Transatlantic Security Cooperation: Past Successes and Emerging Threats
The AGI-BAKS Transatlantic Series “The U.S. and Germany: Partnership under Stress” held its fourth and final workshop, “The Future of Transatlantic Security Cooperation: Past Successes and Emerging Threats,” on November …

Jeff Rathke on defense agenda in DefenseNews
AGI President Jeff Rathke discusses the German defense agenda after this year’s Munich Security Conference with DefenseNews. Of efforts to protect global shipping lanes, he says “It’s the mission that …

Does Germany Need a National Security Council?
In an op-ed for Tagesspiegel Causa, AGI Trustee Julianne Smith calls on Germany to engage a National Security Council, a stance recently reiterated by German defense minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, who …

The United States and Europe: The Need for Adaptation
The American-German Institute (AGI) and the German Academy for Security Policy (BAKS) convened a joint workshop on The U.S.-German Relationship: Partnership Under Stress? on June 25-26, 2019, at the German …
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Ohne Mich Once Again
The German government’s decision not to participate in a Western effort to respond to Iran’s actions in the Persian Gulf is not surprising but deeply disappointing nonetheless. It is not …

Kramp-Karrenbauer’s Gamble, and Washington’s Opportunity
Ursula von der Leyen left the German defense ministry behind this week when she was confirmed as President of the European Commission by a narrow vote of the European Parliament. …

Sitting in a Schleudersitz
If Ursula von der Leyen and Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer soon meet for a drink to discuss their respective new job prospects, one wonders which woman thinks she faces the greater challenge. …
Felix Berenskötter, Visiting Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Felix Berenskötter as a Visiting Fellow in June 2019. Felix Berenskötter is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in International Relations at SOAS, University of London. He …

German Moralism Irritates Allies: Defense Spending and Export Controls
At a 2015 rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump considered the freedom of the press, assuring the crowd that while he hated some reporters, he wouldn’t kill …