Done is Better Than Perfect: Perfectionism is no friend in addressing geopolitical challenges that impact the German economy.
German companies’ ability to perfect processes or products is unique in the global market and lends any export with a “Made in Germany” stamp a certain level of cachet. But …
Episode 09: Legacy of the “Hinge” Years: 1990 to Today
Divided Germany was a microcosm of the standoff between West and East, and the Berlin Wall was the iconic symbol of the Iron Curtain (listen to Episode 2 with Mary …
Welcoming Communities, Embracing Diversity – A Transatlantic Motto
Dallas, TX, Fayetteville, AR, and Nuremberg, Germany all have something in common: They have been developing a plan to welcome newcomers in their midst. What drives these initiatives? Economic growth …
Beverly Crawford, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Beverly Crawford as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from mid-April to mid-June 2019. Beverly Crawford is Professor emerita of Political Science and Political Economy at the University …
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Support Our WorkGermany: Hegemon or Free Rider?
Germany has been the most pro-European of all the big players within the EU. Europe’s largest country in terms of population and economic weight, Germany has always been reluctant to …
Restarting the Transatlantic Partnership Before It’s Too Late
We live in an era of rapid changes. It is not the first time that mankind has faced a fundamental socio-technical transformation, but it is the first time that it …
Agriculture hurdle could be insurmountable for U.S., EU negotiators
AGI Senior Fellow and Director of the Geoeconomics Program Peter Rashish spoke with Inside U.S. Trade’s Brett Fortnam about the EU reaching agreement to start trade talks with the U.S.: …
Mariam Salehi, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Mariam Salehi as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from mid-April to mid-June 2019. Dr. Mariam Salehi is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Conflict Studies, …
The United States and Germany: Partnership under Stress?
“Could you really defend us?” was the question at the workshop, “Germany and the United States: Partnership under Stress?” This question, while targeted at the Bundeswehr, actually reached far beyond …
The Fog of Drone War: Lessons from the U.S. and European Armed Drone Policy
The U.S. government’s turn to a growing fleet of armed drones has spurred an intense political and legal debate in Europe. However, European countries have not objected to the ongoing …