

Transnational Breast Cancer Advocacy in the United States and Germany

In recent years, German breast cancer advocacy groups have begun taking a more American approach. Since the 2001 founding of Brustkrebs Deutschland e.V., with financial backing from U.S. cosmetics company …

Olaf Scholz’s New Cabinet

Something Old, Something New, Lots of Colors but no Blue For some, Olaf Scholz’s new ‘traffic light’ coalition government is no more than a marriage of convenience. After all, the …

Transnational Breast Cancer Advocacy in the United States and Germany

In recent years, German breast cancer advocacy groups have begun taking a more American approach. Since the 2001 founding of Brustkrebs Deutschland e.V., with financial backing from U.S. cosmetics company …

Episode 49: Health Care Workers and Public Health in Germany and the United States During COVID-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has subjected the German and U.S. healthcare systems to tremendous pressure and posed great challenges to public health policy makers. In both countries, the pandemic has exacted …

Germany’s China Policy Moves Past Merkel

As Germany’s Merkel era ended, her brand of engagement-driven China policy seems also to have been consigned to history. The writing was already on the wall after the China-EU Comprehensive …

Xenophobia in East Germany

A commonality found between the former communist state and a current AfD stronghold? In recent years, global politics has seen a rise of far-right and far-left ideologies that seek to …

Episode 48: The Future of Germany’s Security and Defense Policy

Germany is essential to transatlantic security, a fact that grows more important with rising security challenges in Europe. Berlin’s allies have long called on the country to play a bigger …

Black Lives Matter

Activism for Reconciliation in a Divided Country Since a policeman killed Michael Brown on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, the United States has experienced a new phase of dealing …

Germany Emerges from Economic Realpolitik

The 178-page coalition agreement announced last week by Germany’s next government comprised of the Social Democrats (SPD), Greens, and Free Democrats (FDP) and called “Alliance for Freedom, Justice, and Sustainability” …

Episode 47: False Information, Conspiracy Theories, and Right-Wing Extremism

Since the Covid 19 pandemic began in many countries, conspiracy theories and political extremism have grown but particularly in the United States and Germany. False information has flourished, leading the …

Episode 46: Transatlantic Trade Policy for the Future: Climate, WTO, and China

Trade is one of the most important elements in the transatlantic relationship, and the values of open and fair competition have underpinned efforts by the United States and the European …

The Trade-Climate Nexus and the Future of the Global Trading System

Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) and the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference, both in November 2021, Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish authored a report for the Konrad …