Europe & Eurasia


The German Presidency of the Council of the EU and the Future of Transatlantic Security

Strategic Compass: Guiding EU Security and Defense into the Future The United States is and will continue to be Germany’s most important partner in security and defense. Together we defend …

Europe’s Digital Autonomy and Potentials of a U.S.-German Alignment toward China

Download Publication A concerted response to China’s growing digital power is one of the most critical policy issues requiring U.S.-German coordination during the Biden administration. While approaches to cybersecurity are …

Equity at Home and Security Abroad: Transatlantic Economic Cooperation after January 20

For a short period in the mid-1950s, the modernizing politician Pierre Mendès France served as France’s Prime Minister. During his mere nine months in office, PMF, as he was known, …

President Biden: Think Bigger and Broader with Berlin

Is the United States Germany’s strategic rival? Germany is the fourth-largest economy in the world, a leading liberal democratic power, the core state in the European Union, an active NATO ally, and …

Biden as President: More Like FDR or More Like JFK?

Whether President-elect Joe Biden will be able to bring about a New Deal-style transformation of the U.S. economy in the mold of Franklin D. Roosevelt depends on the outcome of …

Election Observations from Germany

An Election Day that leaves many of us perplexed. Four observations: First: There is a lot of talk again about European autonomy and strategic sovereignty of the Europeans. Only, I …

US-EU-UK Trade: Balancing the Three-Legged Stool

Advance Bilateral Negotiations in US-EU-UK Trade Triangle The renewed warnings by leading Democrats—including the presidential candidate Joe Biden—that securing congressional support for a UK-US free trade agreement is dependent on Brexit …

Jeff Rathke on Virtual UN Diplomacy

AGI President Jeff Rathke comments to the AP’s Ted Anthony on this week’s UN General Assembly and the limitation of virtual diplomacy, saying, “There’s subtlety that’s lost, and you also …

We Could Schaffen Das, But We Won’t

EU migration policy reform still stalled five years after peak of crisis The crisis that hit Europe in 2015 has never gone away. This summer, Germans reflected on the fifth …

Winning Over Europe

Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi began his European tour this week, with planned stops in Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, France, and Germany. China wants to recalibrate its ties with Europe …

The U.S.-EU Tariff Deal: Refreshing, but Bland

As part of an effort to resolve a dispute about lobster exports, the United States and the European Union agreed last Friday to reduce tariffs on approximately $270 million of …

Judy Asks: What Is Europe’s Best Way Forward for Belarus?

Jeff Rathke responds: “Belarus is a dramatic reminder of the yearning for freedom and the importance of decades-old Euro-Atlantic principles in the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris. …