

Keep Neutral and Carry On: The European Union’s Continuing Search for a China Policy

The June 22 EU-China Summit ended without a joint statement. Although both sides stressed the importance of cooperation, the EU is clearly dissatisfied with the state of bilateral relations. The …

In Times of China’s Claim to Power: Transatlantic Partnership at a Crossroads

Reactions and strategies to fight the coronavirus crisis have varied around the globe. While the world is still trying to manage life with the virus, the pandemic could also mark …

Beyond Pandemic: China, 17+1, and the Influence Competition in the CEE Region

Ever since the inception of the China-CEEC (Central and Eastern European Countries) Initiative in 2012, officials and politicians in many Western European countries as well as the European Union have …

O-RAN, 3GPP, and R&D Fund: The U.S. May Finally Have a Winning Strategy for the 5G Competition

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the United States’ confrontation with China and has driven administration officials and members of Congress to find more effective ways to strengthen American advantage in …

COVID-19 and Trade: Not the End of Globalization but Changes in Value Chains to be Expected

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is massive. In Germany and Europe, but also worldwide, a large number of companies had to shut down production. Most shops and cultural …

A Strategic Outlook

Report of the International Security Forum 2019 The Forum noted that the global political climate today is marked by a new competitive edge in international politics, the rise of systemic …

Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic with Innovative Democratic Surveillance

Governments around the world are increasingly embracing the idea of digital contact tracing to detect infections and facilitate quarantine in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially skeptical of …

Peter Rashish on U.S.-EU relations with China after COVID-19

AGI Senior Fellow Peter Rashish discusses U.S.-EU relations with China after COVID-19 with ScienceBusiness. He says the pandemic will likely prompt a “rethink” about how the world does business with …

The State of Europe-China Relations

AGI Fellow Yixiang Xu recently joined The Europe Desk podcast, where he spoke about Chinese responses to the coronavirus pandemic, data, 5G, transatlantic trade, and U.S. and European approaches to China …

Reviving China’s Health Silk Road Initiative? Battle of Narratives and Challenges for Transatlantic Leadership

Many European nations’ healthcare systems are pushed beyond their limits by the novel coronavirus pandemic. In the race to secure medical supplies, it’s every country for itself. China, which bore …

Fighting the COVID-19 Pandemic with Big Data: Why Germany Should Learn from China’s Digital Experiments

Germany is battling a growing corona virus epidemic that originated in China last year and has since spread rapidly around the world. Although Italy remains the epicenter of the outbreak …

A Transatlantic China Policy Can Succeed Where the U.S. and Europe Would Fail Separately

China dominates American foreign policy discourse, driven by a broad bipartisan consensus that the United States has for too long turned a blind eye to China’s growing influence and global …