Pleasing and Appeasing Markets: A Fatal Attraction
Following the recent and ongoing turmoil in financial markets, largely triggered by the growing uncertainty about the health of the Chinese economy, financial investors have started to expect and demand …
The Beijing–Berlin Connection
It is peak tourist season in China for European leaders. Shortly after the first bailout package to Greece in 2010, German Chancellor Angela Merkel celebrated her 56th birthday with Xi’an’s …
The New Greek Bailout and the Never-Ending Political Fallout in Germany
Greece and its international creditors moved closer to securing a third bailout on Tuesday, paving the way for national parliaments to vote on the agreement before a crucial repayment to …

Eyeing Business Opportunities in Iran: Germany Caught between China and the U.S.
Days after the announcement of the historic nuclear deal with Iran, German Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy Sigmar Gabriel found himself in Tehran, with a delegation …
Saving the Euro: On the Edge between Dream and Disaster
The tough negotiations that led to a deal to negotiate another deal between Greece and its creditors can certainly not be described as the finest hour in the history of …
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Support Our WorkBreakdown or Breakthrough?
The past few days have certainly been rich with dramatic twists and turns in the Greek drama. Nobody knows with certainty how the story will end—not the Greek politicians, the …

The Bigger Drama: The Transatlantic Community Now Needs to Pay Attention to China
The events in Greece have taken us on an emotional roller coaster in the past week. After missing a payment to the IMF on Tuesday, Greeks voted on Sunday to …
How can Europe help the Greeks?
Over 200 Billion Euros have been handed to Greece. Additional rescue funds will probably follow. Except: The government operates in a nepotistic way and the money doesn’t go to the …
Capital Markets Union
These days, creating jobs and boosting growth are the top priorities of European policymakers. In order to do so, policymakers are focused on measures that widen firms’ funding opportunities, which …
Washington Viewpoints: Assessing Berlin’s Role in EU Energy Security
Europe is confronted with a new geopolitical landscape, with energy a major nexus. The Russian annexation of Crimea and intervention in eastern Ukraine has shattered assumptions about the postwar and …
“The Great Divergence”: Elements for an Early Assessment
At the beginning of 2015, as many investors grew increasingly skeptical about the prospects of the euro area’s economy and its central bank’s capacity to fight what appeared to be …