
The AGI Geoeconomics Program promotes original thinking and debate on U.S., German, and EU global economic strategy with a focus on ways that trade, climate, financial, and technology policies can advance their shared interests, prosperity, and values.

Will He, Or Won’t He?

The biggest guessing game right now in transatlantic relations is whether President Trump will impose 25 percent tariffs on cars and car parts by November 13. That’s the deadline set …

Germany’s New “Climate Package”: Too Little, Too Late?

Early in October, the German government introduced its “climate package.” It is a comprehensive bill aimed at reducing the country’s greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing a sustainable energy transformation, especially …

Has Merkel Undermined European Coherence on 5G Network Security?

On October 15, the German government published its long-awaited draft 5G security catalogue, confirming its earlier goal to create a level playing field for suppliers to next-generation networks in Germany. …

Yixiang Xu on the Future of Huawei in Europe

In a new conversation with ChinaFile, AGI Fellow Yixiang Xu writes: “The European Commission’s report signals a convergence of 5G network security risk assessment between the EU and the U.S. …

Leon Lieblang, Visiting Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Leon Lieblang as an NRW Fellow at AGI in October and November 2019. He is a research assistant and PhD candidate at the University of …

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The Economics of AfD Expansion

With the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) achieving almost 25 percent in the elections in the two east German states of Brandenburg and Saxony in September 2019, and both …

Merkel’s Subdued Visit to China A Success?

According to China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Angela Merkel’s visit to China last week was a resounding success. The ministry’s spokesperson lauded the bilateral commitment on multilateralism and free trade, …

Between Nationalism and Multilateralism: A Renewed Approach for Transatlantic Economic Engagement

In a new Issue Brief for AGI, Senior Fellow and Director of the Geoeconomics Program Peter Rashish looks at the opposing international economic policies of U.S. nationalism and European Union …

New Book Chapter from AGI Senior Cyber Fellow Dr. Sarah Lohmann

Redesigning Organizations: Concepts for the Connected Society, edited by Denise Feldner, is now available. The book offers readers a deeper understanding of the cyberspace, of how institutions and industries are reinventing …

Between Nationalism and Multilateralism: A Renewed Approach for Transatlantic Economic Engagement

Issue Brief 59 The Ancient Greeks invented the concept of the Golden Mean, and the idea that “the truth lies somewhere in the middle” is a well-rooted one. Given the …

Peter Rashish on Trade Pact between Mercosur and EU in Argentina’s Perfil

Una perspectiva estratégica: Los benficios de un modelo alternativo basado en normas consensuadas y bien establecidas was published in Argentina’s Perfil newspaper on August 29, 2019. An English translation is …

Blockchain: Chained Up by Legal Issues

The German government acknowledges that interest in blockchain technology is growing rapidly and new applications are emerging almost daily. Blockchain as a technology even made it into the German CDU/SPD …