From IT Security Law 2.0 to Open RAN: Germany’s 5G Strategy Evolves beyond the Huawei Debate
On January 27, the German federal government presented the draft IT Security Act 2.0 (IT-Sicherheitsgesezt 2.0) to the German Bundestag, pushing ahead a reform that is seen by some as …

A Digital Euro and Central Bank Digital Currencies
Cryptocurrencies continued to make headlines in 2020 and early 2021. For one thing, Bitcoin rallied again in November, December, and the beginning of January, lifting its price to more than …

The Rising Acceptance of Robots in Germany and Workers’ Automation Angst
A 2017 report conducted by the Nomura Research Institute indicates that Germans tend to be conservative about new technologies and see robots as emotionless mechanic helpers, mainly for industrial purposes. …

The Trade Agenda for the 46th U.S. President –Advancing Global Economic Order?
As Joe Biden takes office as the 46th President of the United States the country is at a turning point in its trade policy, one where rules are likely to …

After the Capitol Siege: Politics First, Then Economics
One of the signature lines in Bertolt Brecht’s Three Penny Opera, a product of social ferment in 1920s Berlin, is “Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral.” One implication …
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Jeff Rathke Pens Op-Ed for The Hill on EU-China Deal
AGI President Jeff Rathke’s recent opinion piece, “How should Biden respond to the EU-China Deal?” was published on The Hill on Wednesday. He offers detailed analysis of the steps the …

Martin Richenhagen Appears on CNBC’s “Mad Money”
Chairman of the AGI Board, Martin Richenhagen, was a guest on the CNBC show “Mad Money” to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the agricultural manufacturing industry, as …

A New Age of Transatlantic Alliance?
The Covid-19 pandemic and growing tensions between the U.S. and China brought even greater global global attention to this year’s American presidential election. Despite the victory of the Democratic challenger …

Acting Digitally: The EU Rewrites Its Internet Rules
Last week the European Commission put forward two sweeping proposals to overhaul the European Union’s rules governing the behavior of large Internet companies: the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the …

Europe’s Digital Autonomy and Potentials of a U.S.-German Alignment toward China
Download Publication A concerted response to China’s growing digital power is one of the most critical policy issues requiring U.S.-German coordination during the Biden administration. While approaches to cybersecurity are …

Double Down on Liberalism: A Transatlantic Response to Chinese Economic Coercion
China is increasingly resorting to economic coercion to advance political objectives. In the Asia-Pacific regional context, Beijing has repeatedly leveraged economic interdependence to subject regional states to its political and …