Foreign & Security Policy

The AGI Foreign & Security Policy Program addresses German security policy, the foreign policy cooperation between the U.S. and Germany, and the transatlantic defense relationship.

Get Targeted Updates with AGI’s New RSS Feeds

AGI has updated its RSS Feeds to offer you targeted posts from each of our three program areas and a special feed including material on the German parliamentary elections this …

German Jihad: Reading the History of al-Qaeda through a German Lens

A new book by Guido Steinberg Whenever American counterterrorism officials met with their German colleagues in 2004 and 2005, the radicalization of European Muslims was one of the main subjects …

Germany’s Position on Data Privacy and PRISM

Basic facts about PRISM PRISM is a National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance program that has existed since 2007 when then-President George W. Bush signed the Protect America Act. The Foreign …

Debating a Transatlantic Approach in Syria

This recent Atlantic Memo from AGI’s partner organization, entitled “Thinking Beyond Intervention: A Limited Transatlantic Policy Towards Syria”, presents the findings of members’ debates on the transatlantic approach …

Has Angela Merkel “Paralyzed German Politics”?

In light of the upcoming federal elections, recent articles have characterized German chancellor Angela Merkel’s leadership as paralyzing to German politics. Discussions on her strategy of “asymmetric demobilization” have resurfaced …

Cyber Security and Privacy

The ongoing debate about cyber security and its implications for privacy has once again exposed major cultural and legal differences between the United States and Germany. The interplay between German …

A Question of Trust

The reaction in Germany and throughout Europe to the revelations of NSA surveillance continues to swell in bigger waves. The information drawn from the computers of Edward Snowden enrage many, …

U.S.-German Relations in a New World

Germany played no role in the U.S. presidential debates in the fall of 2012. Even Europe was only mentioned as a cautionary tale of socialized medicine and the dangers of …

Trilateral Dialogue between Germany, the U.S., and Turkey: Turkey’s EU Accession – Endless Negotiations?

After a flurry of enlargement in the early twenty-first century, the European Union may now be encountering enlargement fatigue. After receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 in recognition of …

Building Balance between Civil Liberty and Security

The old expression “when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” might be applicable to the current surveillance debate on both sides of the Atlantic. The public …

Debating the Role of German Leadership

What does Germany want? Almost four years after the outbreak of the euro crisis, many Europeans still ask themselves this very question. In a recent interview with the German weekly …

Listening to Obama in Berlin – A Mixed Message

President Obama’s speech in Berlin this week received mixed reviews from different audiences—a sign that German-American relations are actually in decent shape. The pattern of praise and criticism is illustrative …