
Our societies are changing on both sides of the Atlantic thanks to demographic change, immigration and integration, and regional differences—among other factors. Greater understanding about our cultures, an open exchange about emerging issues, and fostering dialogue between different groups can help German and American societies build stronger internal and external connections and awareness.

Germany’s Charlottesville Moment

The protests and violence that took place last week in Chemnitz have brought home the depths of the western revolt against the liberal order which has been the norm in …

Europe Should Take Steve Bannon’s Threats Seriously

In an interview with the Daily Beast, Steve Bannon announced his plan for The Movement, a foundation to support right-wing populist parties in the upcoming European Parliament (EP) elections. Many …

The Berlin Wall: Limits and Legacies of Divisions

Fifty-seven years ago this week, the most tangible symbol of the Cold War started to emerge in the morning hours of August 13. As the East German government stretched barbed …

Squaring the Gender Circle: Merkel, Men, and the CDU/CSU “Master Plan” Crisis

In November 2005, Angela Merkel became Germany’s first female chancellor, the youngest person to reach the nation’s top leadership post to date. Having lost his own bid for the chancellorship …

On Identity: Where Are You Really From?

The Centre for Turkey Studies and Integration Research (Stiftung Zentrum für Türkeistudien und Integrationsforschung) at the University of Duisburg-Essen conducts an annual multi-topic study involving citizens of Turkish descent who …

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Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders

The AGI project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: Global Responsibility, Joint Engagement” engages young Americans and Germans in discussions of current issues of concern for the transatlantic relationship. …

Exploring Immigration and Integration Initiatives in Germany

AGI Minority Exchange Program Immigration and integration challenges are at the forefront of policy discussions in the U.S. and Germany. How can our societies adapt to newcomers and what services …

Immigration, Integration, and a New Transatlantic Generation: Cross-Cultural Understanding and Joint Action

German-American Issues 21 AGI is pleased to present two essays from the third round of the AGI New Transatlantic Exchange Program: Giving Voice to Diversity. This innovative program establishes new …

The Story of Bert Reiner, the Toy Maker, or: An Appreciation of the Individual Experiences of Former Shanghai Jewish Refugees

During the 1983 Christmas season, Coleco Industries, Inc. took the world by storm with a novel concept for a doll:  Each doll was unique and would be adopted by a …

Teachers as “Civil Ambassadors” for German-American Dialogue and Understanding

Public debate about the transatlantic partnership on the civil society level and programs to foster international understanding often focus on the potential of the younger generations. In the present situation, …

Encouraging Civil Society in the Transatlantic Space

Society, Culture & Politics Recommendations The recommendations presented here build on discussions held in 2017-2018 as part of the AGI project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: Global Responsibility, …

Yesterday’s Hiding Places are Tomorrow’s Stages: Reconciliation, community building, and transatlantic relations

Civil society in Germany and the United States largely enjoys freedom to act and to shape society. In so doing, people of both countries belong to the just 2 percent …