Toward Historical Reconciliation in East Asia: Emergence and Expansion of Transnational Networks
Pragmatic Necessity to Grapple with History Problems East Asian countries are now facing a situation often called the “Asian paradox,” in which deepening economic interdependence coexists with historical and territorial …
The Katyn Massacre: Half a Century of Lies and the Search for Truth
Borrowing institutionally from the German-Polish case, Polish-Russian reconciliation had been making small, tentative steps until the crisis in and over Ukraine. There is some effort to continue civil society interaction, …
Setting the Stage for a U.S.-German Partnership Befitting the Twenty-First Century
Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Barack Obama were right to pull the plug on the emotional debate over intelligence gathering and task their chiefs of staff, Peter Altmaier and Denis …

Reconciliation Means Having to Say You’re Sorry
Responding to China and South Korea’s budding interest in Germany as a contact point for resolving disputes with Japan, Director of the AGI Society, Culture & Politics Program Dr. Lily …
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You Are the Model: What Asia Can Learn from Germany
In the aftermath of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s controversial visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, where war criminals from World War II are also buried, Director of the AGI Society, …
Between Tokyo and Berlin: The Art of Dialogue in Reconciliation
Issue Brief 45 Discussing the differences in and implications for reconciliation in Europe and Northeast Asia, Seunghoon Emilia Heo focuses on the need for leadership and dialogue to overcome past …

What’s in a Name? The German-Israeli Partnership: Is it a Special Relationship, a Friendship, an Alliance, or Reconciliation?
As the German and Israeli cabinets assembled in late February in Jerusalem for their fifth set of bilateral consultations since 2008, most of the statements and speeches focused on the …

From the AGI Bookshelf: The Passage to Europe
The effort to create a European community of nations and peoples is one of the most important experiments in world history. On a continent shaped by war and conflict for …
Academic Opportunity: Societies in Transition. Former Soviet Union and East Central Europe between Conflict and Reconciliation
Currently accepting applications and papers, the International Summer School “Societies in Transition. Former Soviet Union and East Central Europe between Conflict and Reconciliation” will be held from August 22-28, 2014 …
Twentieth Century Milestones in 2014
On Sunday, February 9, 2014, The Globalist republished “2014: Marking Twentieth Century Milestones” by AGI President Dr. Jackson Janes. In the essay, Dr. Janes discusses the historical significance of prominent …
The Dynamics of Collective Memory and German Foreign Policy Since Unification
Policy Report 57 In this Policy Report, Ruth Wittlinger, Senior Lecturer in the School of Government and International Affairs at Durham University, UK and former DAAD/AGI fellow, discusses the extent …