Domestic Policy

A variety of reasons, including demographic change, global migration patterns, economic hardship, and climate change, demand that both Germany and the U.S. craft domestic policies that effectively address their populations’ concerns. This imperative is also seen in the political sphere, as voters make their voices heard in state, federal, and supranational elections.

The EU Elections: The Evolution of an Electorate

After India, the European Union is the second largest democracy in the world, with 400 million people entitled to vote. While India just finished its several-weeks-long election process, many Europeans …

Why Companies Should Invest in the Caribbean Workforce

Germany’s dual education and apprenticeship system has kept unemployment comparatively low through the financial crisis and helped businesses that invest in Germany to thrive. This can and should be adapted …

From the AGI Bookshelf: The New Digital Age

Chancellor Merkel was right in saying that when it comes to the digital world we are in “Neuland.” Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen agree. The opening sentence to their book, …

Aid for the Unemployed? How to Really Make the United States Competitive

“I don’t want the next big job-creating discovery and research and technology to be in Germany or China or Japan. I want it to be right here in the United …

Access to Quality Vocational Training in the U.S.

In the United States, Congress is looking for ways to develop vocational training and make it a more viable postsecondary school choice. While vocational training currently is decentralized, the federal …

Germany Combats Youth Unemployment with Vocational Training

In Germany, the unemployment rate today is lower than it was at the beginning of the recession in 2008. The country has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the …

Mißfelder Named Coordinator for Transatlantic Cooperation

This week, CDU politician Philipp Mißfelder was named Coordinator for Transatlantic Cooperation in the Field of Intersocietal Relations, Cultural and Information Policy, a position within the Federal Foreign Office. Taking …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Holding the Shop Together

We have recently added a new valuable study to our bookshelf: Holding the Shop Together (Cornell University Press, 2013) is a study on German industrial relations in the postwar era …

Does Germany’s Step to the Left Sacrifice the Economy?

Arguing in Forbes that the Free Democratic Party’s exit from the Bundestag spells stagnation for the German and European economies, Doug Bandow details the FDP’s long slide to missing the …

GroKo: A Coalition for Continuity or Change?

Imagine walking into a hardware store and asking the manager for the most effective fertilizer for a garden or lawn care. “Use GroKo,” he might recommend. “It is an all-purpose …

Shaping Transatlantic Solutions: Challenges of the 2012 and 2013 Elections

The U.S. elections in 2012 and the German elections in 2013 demonstrate that, despite their geographic distance, the two countries are confronted by both similar and shared problems: debt crises, …

Once Upon a Time, It Was a Man’s World: Women in Conservative Parties in Germany and the U.S.

With a gain of 7.7 percent or roughly four million electoral votes[1] in the recent federal elections, the German Christian Conservatives brought in the best results since 1990. That success …