The War with Words – Digital Propaganda as a Multilateral, Multi-Perspective, and Multi-Stakeholder Challenge
Maxwell Aitken, the first Baron of Beaverbrook (1879-1964), was a successful Canadian-British businessman, a newspaper editor, and, even in younger years, an influential grey eminence in British politics. Given his …
Google 2.0 in China? A Look at the Global Competition for Tech Dominance
Hundreds of Google employees recently signed a letter over ethical concerns about the company’s transparency on a secret project intended for the Chinese market. Known internally as Dragonfly, the project …
The Lehman Lesson
Most people remember where they were when JFK was shot, or the Berlin Wall fell, or the Twin Towers were struck. Wars, assassinations, or natural catastrophes remain unforgettable among those …
The Role of Fertility and Family Leave Policies in Shaping Fertility and Female Labor Supply: A Comparative Perspective
Raising fertility and female employment levels constitute primary concerns for policymakers in the developed world. Childcare subsidies, paid and unpaid parental leave, and direct per-child subsidies, often referred to as …
Quo Vadis CDU/CSU: The Bavarian Elections and Beyond
Markus Söder has a problem. The Christian Social Union’s (CSU) Bavarian minister-president leads a party that is polling between 36 percent and 39 percent ahead of October 14’s state elections. …
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Support Our WorkThe Chemnitz/Charlottesville Era and Readjusting What to Expect of Government
After the recent week of protests in Chemnitz, comparisons to the events of Charlottesville’s 2017 “Unite the Right” rally have abounded. And with good reason. Both events forced their respective …
Germany’s Charlottesville Moment
The protests and violence that took place last week in Chemnitz have brought home the depths of the western revolt against the liberal order which has been the norm in …
EU Elections: The Center Cannot Hold, but Do We Want It To?
Populism has truly become a transatlantic phenomenon, transcending national borders and disrupting democracies throughout the Western world: from Brexit in the UK to the election of Donald Trump in the …
Moving Beyond Cyber Wars: A Transatlantic Dialogue
Policy Report 68 In January 2018, as the German government was trying to cobble together a coalition, and the U.S. government found itself in a shut down, ten Americans and …
Europe Should Take Steve Bannon’s Threats Seriously
In an interview with the Daily Beast, Steve Bannon announced his plan for The Movement, a foundation to support right-wing populist parties in the upcoming European Parliament (EP) elections. Many …
The CDU and CSU: Hanging Together Rather Than Hanging Separately
This summer has not been easy for Angela Merkel, with a spat over immigration threatening to break up the party alliance between the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian …
Squaring the Gender Circle: Merkel, Men, and the CDU/CSU “Master Plan” Crisis
In November 2005, Angela Merkel became Germany’s first female chancellor, the youngest person to reach the nation’s top leadership post to date. Having lost his own bid for the chancellorship …