Ending the U.S. Trade Deficit with Europe: Inevitable, or Unnecessary?
“If something cannot go on forever it will stop.” – Herbert Stein, Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers 1972-74 When seeking to understand U.S. trade policy toward …

The White House’s Steel Tariffs Decision: Bad, But It Could Have Been Worse
We take the view that without a strong economy, you cannot have strong national security. – Wilbur Ross, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Yesterday’s decision by the Trump administration to levy …

Name the Free-Market Economy – America or Europe?
A Martian is being briefed about his upcoming visit to Earth, where he is told there are two big economies, Reagania and Bureaucratia. Reagania is known for its belief in …

The Transatlantic Trade Drama Enters Act III
The drama over steel and aluminum tariffs is now entering its third act. The plot lines have become clear, and the possible denouements are emerging. But it remains to be …

National Myths are an Unreliable Guide to Trade Policy
March Madness: it would be tempting to describe recent U.S. trade policy that way. First, the Trump administration imposed tariffs of 25 percent on U.S. steel imports and 15 percent …
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Trump’s Tariff Policy Present – and Yet-to-Come
Trump Rescinds Steel, Aluminum Tariffs Amid Concerns for Auto, Construction Industries Washington, December 20, 2019 – Stating that he wanted to avoid “too much of a good thing” for …

U.S. Trade Policy: Clearing the Brush – or Pulling up Stakes?
The Trump administration has been in office for a little over a year now, and it is becoming clear there are two ways to view its approach to trade policy. …

For Germany’s Social Democrats, a Chance to be Europe’s Superman
It was 80 years ago this year that DC Comics first published Superman, and with this comic book series launched a franchise of superheroes that shows no sign of losing …

The G20 Trifecta
Germany – Argentina – Japan: Not a list of three regional soccer powerhouses, but rather the troika of past, current, and future presidency countries of the G20. On December 1, …

America’s Four Economic Families
The United States may have two major political parties, but it is becoming clear that it has four economic families: Small government + free trade = Mainstream Republicans Small government …

Austria, Europe’s un-Bellwether Nation
For many years, the state of Maine was a reliable indicator of the U.S. political mood. So much so that the phrase “As Maine goes, so goes the nation” gained …

Voting for the Eurozone on September 24th
The German elections are just over two weeks away on September 24. Chancellor Angela Merkel is nearly certain to be reelected to a fourth term, so the main unknown surrounds …