Protecting the World’s Most Influential People: Same Problem, Different Solution
Ever tried to come up with a list of what German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President-elect Donald Trump have in common? Presumably, for most people, the list will be short. …
Lessons from the Past, Visions for the Future: The Speeches of Roman Herzog
On the occasion of the death of Roman Herzog, Germany’s seventh federal president (1994-1999), we are pleased to present this volume of speeches AGI published in 1997 during a visit …
Thinking Through the Future of Memory
Report for the Inaugural Conference of the Memory Studies Association, 3-5 December 2016, Amsterdam As part of AGI’s work on reconciliation, we are pleased to present readers with a report …
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Support Our Work8 Reasons Why Russian Disinformation is Successful in Germany
America and the rest of the world are still struggling to understand what led to the outcome of the U.S. presidential election of 2016. It is almost dangerous—and at the …
Ripple Effects of a Trump Win: The Nuclear Debate in Germany
The ripple effects of Donald Trump’s election victory continue to expand around the world. “What if” questions have emerged in corners of thinking about alliances, treaties, and traditions which had …
European Defense at Snail’s Pace: EU Defense Cooperation Remains Sluggish Despite Shifted German Military Role
The question of Europe’s ability to stabilize its neighborhood and even to defend its own territory was high on the agenda this year. The election of Donald Trump—who repeatedly questioned …
A Hinge Moment for Transatlantic Relations
After the events of 2016, the future of the transatlantic relationship at times seems tenuous, fraught with national interests and publics that seem tired of looking beyond one’s own borders. …
With Trump, the U.S. Foreign Policy Framework is at Risk
Now that president-elect Donald Trump has selected his national security team, what course will he set? In a recent interview Henry Kissinger, the US secretary of state in the 1970s, …