

The British Roll the Dice…Again

When Angela Merkel delivered her shot over the bow toward Washington, DC, following her encounter with Donald Trump, it was not only aimed at that city but also across the …

Germany’s New Role…Like It or Not

Germany has become the “leader of the free world.” It didn’t ask for the role and it doesn’t want it, but it was thrust upon Germany by the sheer lack …

Companies Compete. Countries Pursue Their Interests. That’s a Big Difference.

If it becomes a new White House mantra, a key paragraph that appeared in an op-ed by National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and National Economic Council chief Gary Cohn in …

The New Germany: An interview with Wolfgang Ischinger

Wolfgang Ischinger knows German foreign policy. He was the country’s deputy foreign minister from 1998 to 2001. He was its ambassador to Washington from 2001 to 2006. Then he spent …

Challenges for Transatlantic Economic Cooperation in a Trump Administration

Although stock markets have demonstrated an initial positive reaction to the inauguration of President Donald Trump, the new administration’s inward-looking economic policy agenda with the motto “America First” has also …

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Does the EU Need a Trade Promotion Authority Mechanism?

Governance of the European Union just became more complicated. On May 16, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) issued its ruling over which European institutions had “competence” over different provisions …

Inclusive Workforce Education: Opportunities for International Economic Cooperation with the New U.S. Administration

After the protectionist rhetoric of the Trump campaign and discord between Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and the rest of the G20 finance ministers on free trade in March, the outlook …

John Kennedy and Illiberalism

May 29 will mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. Kennedy may be well known not only to Germans, …

Civil Society in a Time of Uncertainty: Lessons Learned from Wider Europe

The transatlantic relationship is undergoing a fundamental shift in that the idea of the West as a community of values and interests is in question—not only since the election of …

President Trump Goes to Europe: Two (Theoretically) Easy and a Tough Question on EU Integration, Trade, and the Euro

All eyes will be on Donald Trump when he attends the international summits of NATO and the G7 at the end of May. On his first trip to Europe he …

Populism: Signals and Noises

Yogi Berra once said that it’s very difficult to predict anything—especially the future. But when you are trying to face that task the biggest challenge is to ask the right …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Far-Right Politics in Europe

Coming to grips with the proliferation of populist movements in Europe is not a new preoccupation. Right-wing and left-wing protest parties have long been part of the political landscape. Until …