Social Cohesion in the United States and Germany: Will Protectionism and Income Redistribution Be Helpful?
While the economy is booming, society is drifting apart. Social cohesion is showing cracks and political stability is in many places in danger. Partitioning is again becoming an issue. These …

The Mantra of “Special Relationships”
One should be skeptical if there is a consensus across party lines in the Bundestag. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel, …
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New Ideas for an Evolving Transatlantic Partnership
Foreign and Domestic Policy Recommendations During 2017-2018, the AGI project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: Global Responsibility, Joint Engagement” examined transatlantic challenges and new ideas for the German-American-European …

EU Data Protection: GDPR In Full Force and Now?
On the Rocky Road toward Compliance with No Time to Lose When the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU entered into force on May 25, this was a …

The White House’s Steel Tariffs Decision: Bad, But It Could Have Been Worse
We take the view that without a strong economy, you cannot have strong national security. – Wilbur Ross, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Yesterday’s decision by the Trump administration to levy …

Fissures in the Fundament: Challenges and Choices for Liberals and Conservatives
When Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano started erupting last month, it came as no surprise to experts or residents of the Big Island. Monitoring the rumblings of lava flows has been going …