Comparing the Experiences of Discrimination Faced by Jews in Early 20th Century Germany and by Muslims in Contemporary Germany
As a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2018, Dr. Ufuk Topkara conducted research on a project that emerges out of the interconnected strands of intellectual inquiry: comparing the …
Compatible Degree and Non-degree Postsecondary Education in the U.S.: Crossover Competency Oriented Conceptual Approaches in Credentialing
As a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2018, Volker Rein assumes that a fundamental dichotomy between academic and occupational requirements does not exist per se. On the contrary, …
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Support Our WorkThe Radicalization of the Extreme Right: Charlottesville and Chemnitz
As a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2018, Prof. Dr. Hajo Funke looked at the developments of two extreme-right events, in Charlottesville and Chemnitz, including the conditions of …
Bridging Academic and Occupational Learning and Credentialing in U.S. Postsecondary Education by Competency-oriented Program Shaping
Research insights on approaches, challenges, and perspectives On both sides of the Atlantic, there is a need to better train and adapt the workforce for twenty-first century jobs. In the …
Migration – A Global Reality or Threat
On December 12, 164 nations ratified the United Nations-Migration Pact (or Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration) at a UN conference in Marrakesh, the very first of its …
Negative Campaigning in the U.S Midterm Elections and Implications for Germany
As a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in November and December 2018, Susanne Thelen examined the differences between German and American campaign strategies, asking: Can U.S. campaign strategies serve as a role …
Industry and Government Leaders Call for New Election Standards to Protect Democracy
Meeting for a third German-American Cybersecurity Roundtable in Brussels on November 16, industry leaders joined government officials in calling for a more coordinated effort to secure election infrastructure and to …
Never Again!
A Historical Survey of Anti-Semitism in Germany between 1933 and 1935 and Implications for Contemporary Debates When an anti-Semitic loner killed 11 members of a Jewish congregation in Pittsburgh in …