

After the Coronavirus: A More Digital and Greener Transatlantic Economy?

As Austria, where the coronavirus curve appears to be flattening, and other parts of the European Union cautiously reopen for business, it may not be premature to draw some initial …

Watching Germany during the Pandemic

As most of us sit, shut-in at home, in the midst of a (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, there are many off hours and nowhere to go. Everyone seems to be watching …

Quo Vadis CDU: Left, Middle, or Right?

When Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (AKK,) the CDU party leader and presumed successor to Angela Merkel as chancellor, announced her resignation from her role as CDU party chairwoman on February 8, 2020, speculation about …

The Unexpected Environmental Consequences of the Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic is killing tens of thousands of people across the world and gravely disrupting life almost everywhere. Much of China has been shut down since January, European countries …

From CARE Packages to Coronabonds: Will the EU Step Up?

The third coronavirus rescue package agreed last week by the U.S. Congress has a name that echoes: the CARES Act. Short for “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security,” it recalls …

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Reviving China’s Health Silk Road Initiative? Battle of Narratives and Challenges for Transatlantic Leadership

Many European nations’ healthcare systems are pushed beyond their limits by the novel coronavirus pandemic. In the race to secure medical supplies, it’s every country for itself. China, which bore …

Has the Coronavirus Pandemic Broken the Populist Fever?

One of the biggest challenges that pundits and intellectuals have confronted over the last few years is the rise of right-wing populism across the (western) world. A vigorous debate over …

Corona Crisis: What Can Economic Policy Do?

In his article on what economic policies can be pursued to mitigate the impacts of the coronavirus crisis, AGI Non-Resident Fellow Dr. Jörn Quitzau first establishes the “exceptional character” of …

Lost in Translation: The Meaning of Sanctuary for Immigrants in the U.S. and Germany

The American concept of “sanctuary cities” for asylum seekers is foreign—and somewhat incomprehensible—to Germans. In the United States, “sanctuary jurisdictions” are relatively few, and they are established to protect immigrants …

Macroeconomic and Health Care Aspects of the Coronavirus Epidemic: EU, US and Global Perspectives

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic represents a major challenge for the world economy. While a detailed longer-term diffusion path of the new virus cannot be anticipated for individual countries, one …

“Your Homeland is our Nightmare”: Viable Conservatism Amid Far-Right Terror

In the weeks following political turmoil in eastern German state of Thuringia over unprecedented collaboration between mainstream German parties and the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in supporting the Free …

Merkel Addresses German Public on Coronavirus: Will Her Efforts to Steel Domestic Solidarity Pave the Way for Ambitious German Actions?

Chancellor Merkel spoke directly to the German public in prime time on March 18, the first time she has delivered such an emergency address during her fourteen-plus years as chancellor. …