

Economic Impact of the Deutsche Börse-NYSE Euronext Merger on the EuropeanFinancial Markets

As the eurozone crisis continues to build, the possible ramifications for the U.S. of a European economic disaster, such as a Greek default, are taking center stage. While political rifts have been exposed at the hands of the crisis, so has the depth of financial interdependence between both sides of the Atlantic. A recent report on the financial impacts of the Deutsche Börse-NYSE Euronext exchange merger by Prof. Dr. Henrik Enderlein, Associate Dean and Professor of Political Economy at the Hertie School of Governance and a frequent participant at AICGS programs, shows that the overall financial stability of the U.S. and Europe are deeply interconnected, as is their standing in the global markets.

“Ich bin ein Berliner”- The Immigrant vote in the Berlin elections of 2011

In her essay entitled “‘Ich bin ein Berliner’ – The immigrant vote in the Berlin elections of 2011,” current DAAD/AICGS Fellow Henriette Rytz examines the role, or lack thereof, that immigrants play in Berlin’s elections. While the parties may focus on the issue of integration for immigrant voters, this may not be in line with their real concerns as citizens of both Berlin and Germany.

AGI Podcast: The Greens in Germany and Europe

In a new AICGS Podcast Cem Özdemir, co-chairman of the German Green Party, and Dr. Jackson Janes of AICGS discuss the future of Europe as an idea amidst the recent turmoil with the euro and how the Greens’ successes in recent state elections will shape both Germany and, on a larger scale, Europe as a whole.

The Euro Widens the Culture Gap

In his piece entitled “The Euro Widens the Culture Gap” from the New York Times, AICGS board member Josef Joffe explains how the Euro has made worse any cultural differences that existed between European countries pre-euro times. The PIIGS countries – Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain – should never have been admitted to the Euro, argues Joffe. Now, the borrowing afforded to them by the Euro allowed them to continue their profligate ways, thus leading to the current crisis facing the euro-zone as a whole.

Losses, Legacies, Lessons

In this week’s At Issue, Executive Director Jack Janes examines where we stand a decade beyond September 11, 2001 and how Germany and the United States can confront the losses and legacies of 9/11, while building on lessons learned in shaping a shared agenda for the future.

Two Face Diplomacy – The Turkish-Israeli Clash Contradicts Ankara’s Foreign Policy Principles

Following Israel’s refusal to apologize for last year’s attack on a Gaza Aid Flotilla, Turkey has cut diplomatic ties with Tel Aviv. According to former AICGS Fellow Rana Islam, Turkey’s decision goes completely against their “zero problems” agenda and further threatens an already unstable region. However, all hope may not yet be lost.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Wahl: der general Trend mit einer beunruhigenden Überraschung

Jede Wahl in Deutschland hat ihren Reiz (nicht nur für Wahlforscher) und die Wahl in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern war natürlich eine wichtige Abstimmung der Bürger über ihre Landesregierung und das dortige politische …

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Elections: the general trend, but with a worrying twist

Any election in Germany has its own appeal (not only for electoral analysts) and the election in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern was an important chance for many people living there to judge their government and their political elite. However, it is hard to find good arguments for the importance or the consequences of the 2011 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern election for Germany as a whole, or to find a conceivable influence of the results of this election on the important decisions that have to be made in Germany in the next few weeks regarding the financial and European crisis.

Euro Stabilization: problems, eurobonds, political union perspectives

The EU Summit of 21 July 2011 has brought considerable adjustment impulses for the stabilization of the euro-zone. At first sight, the main problem is sovereign debt financing of Greece, Ireland, and Portugal—the three countries that benefit from euro-zone rescue packages—but, in fact, the bigger issue is a series of broader challenges for EU integration and institutional reforms in the euro-area.

Elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

The results from last Saturday’s parliamentary elections in the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern won’t have any major  consequences for Angela Merkel’s governing coalition, or Europe for that matter, argues AICGS contributor Dr. Dieter Roth. Voter support for Germany’s far-right National Democratic Party (NPD), on the other hand, should not be overlooked.

All Eyes on Berlin

With the euro-zone fully entrenched in economic crisis, Europe’s leaders are scrambling to avoid contagion reaching some of the area’s largest economies, notably France and Italy. With the measures taken thus far having failed to calm market nerves, the focus will be shifting to Germany and its Chancellor, Angela Merkel, to lead the euro-zone back to greener pastures, according to AICGS Non-Resident Fellows Dr. Norbert Walter, Dr. Paul J.J. Welfens, and Dr. Klaus Deutsch, as well as frequent AICGS contributor Alexander Privitera.

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