The French Elections and the Franco-German Equation
In advance of the French Presidential elections, Executive Director Jack Janes examines the changing parameters of Franco-German relations in light of the challenges both countries currently face. If Francois Hollande becomes the new President, any resulting changes in the continuity of one the most important bi-national relationships in Europe will be felt beyond the borders of Germany and France.
America’s Decline
Bookshops and newsstands throughout the U.S. are filled with tomes debating what many believe to be the current decline in America’s power and influence on the global stage. In light of this recent trend, AICGS Senior Fellow Alexander Privitera examines the more recent literature on this topic and tries to assess what the debates concerning the idea of decline tell us about today’s America.
Facing New Realities: Europe’s Future Role in the IMF
Paul Maeser, an APSA Congressional Fellow for the German Marshall Fund of the United States, examines the changing role of European nations within the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a result of the debt crisis surrounding the euro.
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Support Our WorkGermany’s Softening Stance
Despite a week dominated by negative headlines about the Chinese economy and rising gas prices, interest rates for sovereign bonds from Spain and Italy remain quite low. Is the worst of the crisis really over or are investors just lulled by the massive intervention from the ECB?
Dying for Kunduz? – Justifications of the German Mission in Afghanistan in Political Eulogies
Globally-oriented, extended security policies follow patterns of justification that differ from those drawn on by traditional policies of national self-defense. One of the fundamental differences is the fact that ongoing …
The Routinization of Security Communication and the Risk of Military Casualties
Dr. Ulf von Krause discusses how internal risk communication in the Bundeswehr has evolved from the Balkan wars to today.
The Exit Strategy
At the recent AGI conference “Rising Tensions between the European Central Bank and the Bundesbank,” AGI Senior Fellow Alexander Privitera and David Marsh, Co-Chairman of the Official Monetary and Financial …
Saarland’s Signals
In this At Issue, Executive Director Jack Janes examines the results of the state election in Saarland and their potential signals for both the subsequent state elections to follow during 2012, as well as the national election in 2013.
Executive Director Jack Janes and Peter Ross Range published in New York Times
AGI Executive Director Jack Janes and Peter Ross Range had their essay “Can Joachim Gauck make Germany Likable?” published in the New York Times Sunday Review Opinion page on Sunday, …
The Half Full Glass
Senior Fellow Alexander Privitera argues that the skeptics might underestimate that in this crisis, progress is not only measured in pure economic terms, but also by political progress.