

Merkel’s Melting Majority

There is a well-known German slogan about the fate of those seeking re-election these days: ‘wer regiert, verliert.’ An American translation − voters are restless, rebellious, and ready to blame …

The Growth Compact

The President of the European Central Bank (ECB) was in heavily fortified Barcelona, Spain today. I believe it is the first time in the history of the ECB that it …

Relations between Israel and Germany in the Shadow of Günter Grass’s Poem

Having faded from the media spotlight, the Günter Grass poem aroused quite a bit of criticism – and questions – in the weeks following its release. Now, Ambassador Shimon Stein, former Israeli Ambassador to Germany, reflects back on the debate surrounding the poem and what it really meant for German-Israeli relations.

Elections in Schleswig-Holstein

Germany’s next regional election in Schleswig Holstein on May 6 is like the weather on the northern German coasts: quick to change and unpredictable. There are multiple political equations possible …

Potentials of linking quality of care with payment systems in the German and U.S. health care systems

With aging populations and rising costs, health care provision is a concern for societies on both sides of the Atlantic. In the U.S., the Affordable Care Act just passed its …

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The Transatlantic Climate and Energy Dialogue: Urban and Regional Transportation and Energy Problems and Solutions

AGI’s is undertaking a project on “The Transatlantic Climate and Energy Dialogue: Urban and Regional Transportation and Energy Problems and Solutions” in 2012. This project will continue the transatlantic climate …

German Afghanistan Veteran’s Homecoming

In an interesting article in the Washington Post, Michael Birnbaum outlines how Germany’s participation in the war in Afghanistan has given rise to discussions how the country is treating homecoming …

Transatlantic Financial Risks Remain

While some may see the euro crisis slowly ending, Matthias Matthijs argues that it is far from over — and that political unrest and uncertainly poses a significant risk to …

Evaluating Risk – Overarching Questions

Economic and financial market risks; the consequences of climate change, terrorism, and organized crime; supply security of energy and raw materials; the increase of cyber-crime; and the vulnerability of critical …

The End of Austerity?

Is Germany becoming increasingly isolated in Europe? The European media certainly thinks so. AICGS Senior Fellow Alexander Privitera examines the latest turn in the struggle to contain the crisis in Europe and argues that the price for more harmony in the euro zone could very well be the introduction of Eurobonds.

German Health Care Terms

Navigating the health care debate can be challenging in any language. Refer to this glossary of German health care terms for additional information.

U.S. Health Care Terms

Navigating the health care debate can be challenging in any language. Refer to this glossary of U.S. health care terms for additional information.