TTIP Negotiations: First Round Washington, DC
Background It is easy to be pessimistic about the EU and U.S. negotiations of the transatlantic trade and investment partnership. Previous initiatives to improve the regulatory cooperation between the EU …
Germany’s Position on Data Privacy and PRISM
Basic facts about PRISM PRISM is a National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance program that has existed since 2007 when then-President George W. Bush signed the Protect America Act. The Foreign …
Monitoring the Negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement
Issues and Key Perspectives at the Start of the Negotiations On July 8, 2013, the negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) began in Washington, DC. This marks …
Gender Paradoxes: Shifting Ethnic Identities and Opportunity Structures in Germany
There are three types of migration. The first type is difficult migration. The second type is very difficult migration. The third type consists of extremely difficult migration ….I can only …
Security Policy in Cyberspace: The Need for a Transatlantic Debate on the Protection of Data and Privacy
Introduction[1] The recently revealed NSA (National Security Agency) surveillance program of the American government, “Prism,”[2] and the criticism it raised not only in the U.S. but also in Germany once …
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Support Our WorkHas Angela Merkel “Paralyzed German Politics”?
In light of the upcoming federal elections, recent articles have characterized German chancellor Angela Merkel’s leadership as paralyzing to German politics. Discussions on her strategy of “asymmetric demobilization” have resurfaced …
Cyber Security and Privacy
The ongoing debate about cyber security and its implications for privacy has once again exposed major cultural and legal differences between the United States and Germany. The interplay between German …
A Question of Trust
The reaction in Germany and throughout Europe to the revelations of NSA surveillance continues to swell in bigger waves. The information drawn from the computers of Edward Snowden enrage many, …
Political and Societal Leadership in Encouraging Reconciliation: A Comparison of Japanese and German Foreign Policies in their Neighborhoods
Like Germany in Europe, Japan in Asia after World War II recovered economically faster and more completely than any of the countries it had conquered and occupied. Unlike Germany, however, …
Trilateral Dialogue between Germany, the U.S., and Turkey: Turkey’s EU Accession – Endless Negotiations?
After a flurry of enlargement in the early twenty-first century, the European Union may now be encountering enlargement fatigue. After receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 in recognition of …
Bringing Back Growth
The topics of central banking and increased growth/free trade within the realm of transatlantic relations have garnered plenty of headlines. Nevertheless, the debates surrounding the role of central banks in …
Bailing In while Bailing Out
European finance ministers have finally agreed to a set of rules that should govern future bank resolutions, i.e. clarify who will pay for shutting down failing institutions. If the aim …