

ECB in a Holding Pattern

The managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, has issued a stern warning about the growing dangers of deflation. In a speech in Washington on January 15, she …

Towards Closing the Cyber Sanitation Gap

While the revelations of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden about state-sponsored intrusions into online privacy have been deeply unsettling to many, the growing everyday threats to our online activities posed …

Germany, Comfortable Alone

The German foreign policy apparatus is on the verge of change, predicts Michael Inacker, an AGI Board of Trustees Member. Germany’s increasingly distanced relationships with long-time allies, including the United …

Mißfelder Named Coordinator for Transatlantic Cooperation

This week, CDU politician Philipp Mißfelder was named Coordinator for Transatlantic Cooperation in the Field of Intersocietal Relations, Cultural and Information Policy, a position within the Federal Foreign Office. Taking …

The German Trade Surplus, Bane or Boon?

U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew traveled to Germany this week to promote the Obama administration’s views on what the new government in Berlin should do in order to …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Year Zero: A History of 1945

In this review, AGI Senior Research Program Associate Parke Nicholson discusses Ian Buruma’s Year Zero: A History of 1945 (Penguin Press, 2013). Writing for The Diplomat this past December, Mr. …

Calm Seas in Europe in 2014?

Predicting a continuation of the euro area’s “tranquil period,” barring any excessive complacency, Jacob Funk Kirkegaard addresses the significant economic challenges for 2014 in his most recent blog post. Warning …

Deutschland, Allein zu Haus

Man konnte es in Berlin beobachten. Als der Economist im Sommer 2013 in einer aufwendigen Titelgeschichte Deutschland als „zögerlichen Hegemon“ bezeichnete, fühlte sich die deutsche Außenpolitik seltsam geschmeichelt. Natürlich wurde …

2014: Marking Twentieth Century Milestones

During 2014, there will be many different historical milestones, marked with differing purposes yet often with overlapping messages. Three in particular will stand out for Germany, but will be marked …

A Holiday Message from AGI

As 2013 comes to a close, we at AGI would like to wish you a very happy holiday season. Our 30th year has been a busy one, beginning with the …

Enlargement and Estrangement in Brussels

Miles’ Law of Administration, “Where you stand depends on where you sit“, seems to take a new twist when it comes to the EU’s Enlargement policy. Given the physical relocation …

Security Breach at Target Corp Highlights Importance of Research on Cyber Security

This morning, Target Corps released that there has been a security breach, and about 40 million credit and debit cards have been accessed from customers of Target stores (not online) …