The Future Europe
In May 1989, U.S. President George H.W. Bush gave a speech in Mainz, West Germany, inviting—or challenging—Germany to be a “partner in leadership” with the United States. Many Germans greeted …
An Overview of the TTIP Negotiations after the Sixth Round in Brussels
Background At the G-8 summit in June last year, the United States and European Union agreed to begin the negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). All parties …
Maximalist, Stephen Sestanovich
Amid all the heated debates about the role of the United States in the current global morass of crises, the battle lines in America might fall between those who call …
Beyond Sanctions
This essay, by AGI Non-Resident Fellow Dr. Ulrich Speck, appeared originally on Judy Dempsy’s Strategic Europe, a blog from the Carnegie Institute for International Peace. Western sanctions against Russia appear …
The Fourth Revolution, Micklethwait & Wooldridge
Events of the past few months have once again proven that, in today’s world, defining what a rules-based order is has become increasingly difficult. In fact, the world order increasingly …
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AGI provides knowledge, insights, and networks as tools to solve the challenges ahead.
Support Our WorkGermany’s Economic Renaissance, Jack Ewing
How did Germany do it? How did it steer through the economic storms of the last several years and come out stronger than before? What is the secret of a …

Beyond Sanctions: The Ukraine Crisis as Demonstration of Power and Purpose
This week in Germany was not like last week. This week, both the popular mood as well as the political messages sent signals that Germans have had enough from Vladimir …
Der Fall Amerika, Manfred Henningsen
Amid the tensions between Germany and the United States over the NSA’s surveillance, worries arise about a growing wave of animosity among Germans toward America. The contrast with the early …
Privacy and Power
The Germans are angry. They have been simmering since Edward Snowden’s disclosures last summer revealed the startling extent of American intelligence-gathering and data-collection activities in Europe. Now they are boiling-over. …
No Fear of International Responsibility
Rana Deep Islam co-authors this in-depth analysis of the state of German foreign policy. After calls for increased engagement from Germany’s policy elite, it is time for a wide-spread debate. …
The Death Knells of Centrist German Liberalism-The Rise of the AfD and fall of the FDP
The rapid growth of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in Germany has certainly been a clear departure from the mood of German politics prior to the most recent Bundeswahl (Federal …

Dealing with Distrust: A German-American Dilemma
The Germans are once again angry with Washington. News stories about an alleged mole in Germany’s intelligence services, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), providing state secrets to Americans has outraged the entire …