

Shadows of History in Europe’s Refugee Crisis

As the refugee crisis continues, mixed reactions are cause for concern in Germany.  Given the country’s troubled past, anti-Islam and anti-migrant sentiment in the country is particularly troubling.  Daniela Blei …

Immigration in Crisis, On Both Sides of the Atlantic

As waves of refugees continue to enter Europe, they are being greeted with various reactions by EU member states.  Many migrants are headed for Germany, perceived by many as the …

Europe’s Migration Paralysis

As growing numbers of migrants seek a new life in Europe, in this Project Syndicate essay former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer calls on European leaders to overcome their paralysis …

The Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program

The Robert Bosch Foundation and Cultural Vistas invite US professionals to apply for the 2016-2017 Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program. Bosch Fellows work as consultants in their field of expertise …

Pleasing and Appeasing Markets: A Fatal Attraction

Following the recent and ongoing turmoil in financial markets, largely triggered by the growing uncertainty about the health of the Chinese economy, financial investors have started to expect and demand …

Anti-Corruption in Germany

Germany has traditionally been seen as a country where corruption is under control. This was further supported when Transparency International (TI), the largest and most prominent anti-corruption NGO, published its …

Fear Factors

Plato once wrote, “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” Fear is …

Refugees in Germany

As Europe–and Germany in particular–copes with the influx of refugees from the Middle East and Africa, it is facing political and public resistance to its humanitarian efforts.  As this recent …

The 70th Anniversary of World War II

No matter what inscrutable socio-biological function they may serve, all anniversaries are constructs. This is a point worth recalling as we celebrate for the 70th time the end of World …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Superpower – Three Choices for America’s Role in the World

In Washington, DC, one signal that a presidential election year is around the corner is the appearance of books pitching all kinds of ideas for the next president to consider …

Containing Gazprom

Since Russia first invaded Ukraine last year, Putin has boasted of his ability to exploit natural gas dependency to undermine European solidarity. Indeed, though the continent as a whole relies …

The Beijing–Berlin Connection

It is peak tourist season in China for European leaders. Shortly after the first bailout package to Greece in 2010, German Chancellor Angela Merkel celebrated her 56th birthday with Xi’an’s …