New Ideas for an Evolving Transatlantic Partnership
Foreign and Domestic Policy Recommendations During 2017-2018, the AGI project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: Global Responsibility, Joint Engagement” examined transatlantic challenges and new ideas for the German-American-European …
“Considerate and Determined”: Germany’s Pragmatic Approach to Combatting Terrorism?
Germany has not yet experienced major coordinated terror incidents of the type that has hit the United States, Belgium, France, Turkey, and other countries. Two Islamist terror attacks in Bavaria, …
The New Head of Germany’s Foreign Intelligence Agency BND: A Noticeable Shift in Germany’s Internal Security Policy
Quite surprisingly, last Wednesday the German Chancellery confirmed the removal of Gerhard Schindler as president of the German Foreign Intelligence Agency (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND). Schindler will be officially replaced by Bruno …