John Kornblum

AGI Trustee

John Kornblum is a senior counselor at the international law firm Noerr LLP and a former U.S. ambassador to Germany. He is a member of the AGI Board of Trustees.

Recent Content


I Find the Issue Exceedingly Embarrassing

Interviewing with Deutschlandfunk, AGI Trustee and former U.S. Ambassador to Germany John Kornblum gave context to the growing revelations of U.S. surveillance in Germany and around the world. In light …

Learn to Live With Germany

Calls for “European solidarity” will not phase post-election Germany. Writing for the Carnegie Europe blog  “Strategic Europe,” former U.S. Ambassador to Germany and AGI Trustee John Kornblum recalls the effect …

Gesucht: ein Reifer Partner

Dieser Artikel würde am 19. Juli 2013 auf Seite zwei der Welt gedruckt. Mit der Erlaubnis des Authors, steht der Originaltext hier. Read in English Anfang des Jahres 1999 berichteten …

Searching for a Responsible Partner

The Honorable John C. Kornblum, AICGS Board of Trustees member, comments in his recent article in Die Welt on NSA surveillance and its implications on both sides of the Atlantic.

Growing Anti-American Sentiment in Germany?

A new report by the Allensbach Institute was recently referenced in an article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung  with a focus on attitudes in Germany toward the United States. The …

Europeans Expecting German Leadership

As the euro saga unfolds, one thing is becoming clearer: The structure surrounding the euro has its weaknesses, but the crisis is not really about the currency at all. The current crisis is as much a crisis of EU governance and political mentality as it is of the economic policies of Greece or the ECB, argues AICGS Trustee and former U.S. Ambassador to Germany John Kornblum. A version of this essay originally appeared in the June 20, 2011, edition of Handelsblatt.

The Second Face of Barack Obama

Dramatic events like the killing of Osama bin Laden can often change the course of political debate, writes Ambassador John Kornblum, AICGS Trustee and former U.S. Ambassador to Germany. In this case, killing bin Laden has added new luster to the image of President Obama and to the role of the U.S. as the leading world power, and an America battered by economic problems, social unrest, and foreign conflicts will certainly draw strength from Sunday’s SEAL mission. This essay originally appeared in the May 6, 2011, edition of Handelsblatt.

We Need a New Atlanticism

In an essay originally written for Handelsblatt, AICGS Trustee and former U.S. Ambassador to Germany John Kornblum argues for a new Atlantic equation as current events slowly make the old format of the transatlantic alliance obsolete. Kornblum writes that by defining a pragmatic vision of openness and transparency for transatlantic relations, we can maximize each side’s strengths to set a global example for the future. This essay originally appeared in the April 15, 2011, edition of Handelsblatt.

Not Without America

Are the Americans the only ones who can talk seriously about how to help the Libyans and to maintain global balance? AICGS Trustee Ambassador John Kornblum, former U.S. Ambassador to Germany, ponders this question knowing that it is going to stay that way for the foreseeable future based on the perception that Europe cannot meet the new security challenges. Kornblum argues that a new strategy for Atlantic relations must be developed that demonstrates how Western values can help master the practical problems of globalization. The German version of this essay originally appeared in the March 8, 2011, edition of Die Welt.

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