Globalization 2.0
Path to German-American Prosperity in the Age of Decarbonization and China’s Economic Slowdown? Two megatrends will dominate the global economy in the coming decade—our accelerating efforts to decarbonize and the …
Europe and the World Need to Be Strategically Patient with Trump
As international delegates begin arriving in Washington, DC, for the first IMF/World Bank semi-annual meetings of the Trump era, among the biggest question facing leaders from around the world is …
Germany’s Sleepy but Significant Election
In this recent essay, frequent AGI contributor and Peterson Institute for International Economics Senior Fellow Dr. Jacob Funk Kirkegaard highlights the general consensus on economic policy issues that matter to …
A Summer of Anxious Anticipation in the Euro Zone
Frequent contributor and participant at AGI, Dr. Jacob Kirkegaard recently detailed his analysis of summer developments in the euro zone crisis. Connecting developments as diverse as German politicians’ pre- and …
Transatlantic Brinksmanship
In this latest commentary originally published by the Peterson Institute for International Economics, PIIE Senior Fellow and frequent AGI contributor Jacob Kirkegaard examines the role of brinksmanship among politicians in both …
The End of the Years of Plenty? American and German Responses to the Economic Crisis
Policy Report 49 Policy Report 49 analyzes the policy responses of Germany and the United States to the continued economic and financial unrest. The authors examine the origins of Germany’s …
Europe’s New Message: My Way or the Drachma Highway
Greece’s call for a referendum on the bail-out has been rescinded. The next tranche of funds for Greece from the IMF appears to be safe. According to his essay Europe’s New Message: My Way or the Drachma Highway, Dr. Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, Research Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and frequent AICGS contributor, argues this was the goal behind Greek Prime Minster George Papandreou’s call for a referendum. However, his potentially term ending move may have had another, more lasting effect: the threat of kicking member states out of the monetary union is now officially on the table.
What Can and Must EU Leaders Achieve Ahead of the G-20 Summit?
In his essay entitled What Can and Must EU Leaders Achieve Ahead of the G-20 Summit?, Peterson Institute for International Economics Research Fellow Dr. Jacob Funk Kirkegaard posits that there is no single answer to the multitude of problems currently facing Europe. However, the upcoming EU Summits must work to take a large step forward in correcting the fiscal situation by making a number of necessary changes.
The Euro Zone Should Look to the Brady Plan to Solve Its Crisis
As the financial crisis within the euro zone widens, governments have been at a loss for immediate action to resolve the situation. In an essay based off of his remarks given at a recent AICGS conference on Balancing Global Macroeconomic Discrepancies, Jacob Funk Kirkegaard of the Peterson Institute for International Economics suggests that the Brady Plan from the Latin American debt crisis in the 1980s might provide a good model for the euro zone as it tries to extricate itself from further crisis.