Holding the Center Together: The Challenges of 2016 and Beyond
2015 did not end well for President Obama. 2016 did not begin well for Chancellor Merkel. But they will both face even more serious challenges in the new year. For …
A New Assertiveness? Germany wades into the Syrian conflict with vote for anti-ISIS military mission
Introduction Three weeks after the terrorist attacks in Paris, the German Bundestag approved a military deployment to provide protection, reconnaissance, and logistics to the military campaign against the Islamic State, …
Germany ‘s Continuing Strategic Struggle
Germany is a Rechtsstaat—a country anchored in law. The German constitution, or Basic Law, is a mirror of German thinking about its democracy, just as the U.S. constitution reflects American …
Eine deutsche Metamorphose: Vom unsicheren Kantonisten zur europäischen Führungsmacht
Deutschland ist zum Vorreiter in Europa geworden: zu einer Führungsmacht, die ihre Legitimität aus dem Engagement für ein zivilisiertes Miteinander zieht. Daraus erklärt sich auch die bisherige Gefolgschaft anderer europäischer …
Elements of Style
Winston Churchill reminded us that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. Even within democracy, the many variations that have been attempted …
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Support Our WorkAfter Paris
The terrorist nightmare that ran rampage through Paris on November 13 is another example of the vulnerability of our world—a world we too often take for granted and about which …
Helmut Schmidt
At 96 years of age, Helmut Schmidt, former Chancellor of Germany and respected elder statesman, passed away on 10 November 2015, in Hamburg. He had been active in the German …
Will Michel Go to War for Marianne?
The reactions to the attacks in Paris have demonstrated the special character of the German-French relationship—but how far does this friendship go? The attacks in Paris have resulted in an …
Deutschland, Frankreich und das neue Europa
Die Terroranschläge in Paris verändern nicht allein das Leben der Menschen an der Seine, sie verändern Europa, sie verändern Deutschland. Der Terror ist nun auch dort angekommen, wo man ihn …
A Long View of Transatlantic Crises: Increasing closeness, increasing friction
In 1969, when I was elected national chairman of the Young Socialists (Jungsozialisten – Jusos), the SPD youth organization, the future US ambassador to Germany John Kornblum was a young …
Become a Member and Receive a Limited Edition Calendar
Become an AGI Member today! Join AGI as an Individual or Corporate Member before December 31 and receive a commemorative 2016 calendar celebrating the 25th anniversary of German Reunification. Your …
Dr. Dieter Zetsche Receives the 2015 AGI Global Leadership Award
On November 5, 2015, AGI presented its annual Global Leadership Award to Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars, for …